Microtonic + PO-32 tonic bundle

Fredrik Lidström13 737 views93 posts
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  • Fredrik Lidström

    Teenage Engineering is about to launch a PO-32 + Microtonic bundle. We would like to extend this deal retroactively to PO-32 owners by offering a 20% discount on Microtonic. This should bring your total spent to the same price as the bundle.

    What I need is proof of your PO-32 purchase. Send me a photo of your PO-32 receipt and the PO-32 serial number to support@soniccharge.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    (PO-32 serial number is found at the bottom of the cardboard package)
  • Bichuelo Audiotecna

    This is great, thank you!

  • Paweł Kujda

    HI, I`v been trying to contact via support@soniccharge.com in regards to above offer. More than a week passed and no answer. Is this offer still available?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Yes, sorry I have not had time to catch up on support this week. I will try to find your email and get back to you this weekend.

  • Jon Schwartz

    Hello! I bought my PO-32 used from a friend when he picked up the OP-1. Does this mean that I'm outta luck?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Depends if he already got a discount on Microtonic. I will need a copy of his original receipt and the serial number from your PO-32 box. Send it to support@soniccharge.com.

  • Dave Ashford

    Details sent! I'd like to take advantage of this offer too! :)

  • shelf- index

    Details sent! Hope to hear from your guys soon :)

  • Kina Chameleon

    Hey, I've also sent an email, hope to hear back from you soon.


  • Wassim Chegham

    Hi Fredrik, I was wondering if the offer is still valid? I just bought my PO-32 2 days ago, and I thought there was some sort of coupon code to buy your Microtonic plugin.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    This offer is no longer valid.

    The PO-32 + Microtonic bundle is now available for $169 at the Teenage Engineering Store.

    (If you were waiting for your PO-32 delivery to be able to send your proof of purchase, I will still honor the original offer. Please contact me on support@soniccharge.com)

  • Fredrik Lidström

    I am re-enabling this offer, due to the bundle still not being available from PO-32 retailers, and also being out of stock at the TE store from time to time.

    Please see my first post in this thread for instructions how to get your 20% discount.

    If you own a PO-35, you can send me your unique PO-35 identification number.

  • Metrixiano Jinx

    Oh man... i was looking for a way to get the discount but i didn't save the box and thought it was useless but i do indeed have the reciept... so there is no other way to get the serial from the PO32?

  • Arif Memovic

    I purchased the po-32 tonic without realizing that it does not come with the software. Is your offer still available? I have a receipt and serial number.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Offer is still available.

    If you can not find the box with the serial number, please send me a copy of your receipt and a picture of your PO-32 next to your photo ID to support@soniccharge.com

  • Bichuelo Audiotecna

    At Audiotecna, we include the serial number in the receipt


    Hi! I've also sent an email, hope to hear back from you soon.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    - VALERY GOMAN wrote:
    Hi! I've also sent an email, hope to hear back from you soon.

    Ah, good that you posted here! Your email had ended up in the spam filter, so I had not read it. I have now replied back to you.


    Thank you

  • anonymous

    I just bought a P.O.-32 off eBay. Do I qualify for the discount?

  • nico nico

    if I have the pack that comes with the 3 pocket operator does the offer % stack?

    idk because I think the pack should come with microtonic because it comes with the PO-32 and PO-35 that use microtonic, and it feels weird not beeing able to fully use them and customize them.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    I just bought a P.O.-32 off eBay. Do I qualify for the discount?

    If it is brand new, then yes. Follow the instructions in my top post.

    - nico nico wrote:
    if I have the pack that comes with the 3 pocket operator does the offer % stack?
    idk because I think the pack should come with microtonic because it comes with the PO-32 and PO-35 that use microtonic, and it feels weird not beeing able to fully use them and customize them.

    No, sorry. Teenage Engineering only offers a bundle with PO-32. Nothing for the PO-35 or the metal pack. Would love it if they added it.

  • anonymous


    I sent the info.

    Did I qualify?


  • Fredrik Lidström

    I sent the info.
    Did I qualify?


  • anonymous



    What happens now?

  • Olo Ulasiuk

    Hi i just send an email , hope the offer is still valid i own po 32 since some months but found out now i need reg code to upload souds

  • Benjamin Bouton

    Hi Fredrik,
    I sent you an email yesterday regarding the discount on Microtonic (I have a brand new PO-32).

  • Joe Ball

    Hey! Sorry to join the hordes of hungry discount hounds but I also sent you guys an email a few days ago - just thought I'd post on here too in case it slipped through the cracks! Cheers :)

  • Tim Stone

    I have now added myself to the hordes. Email sent, hope its still ok!

  • Marts Mas


    I am considering to purchase the PO32. Do I get the 20% discount for Microtonic, if I purchase a PO32 on a store, by showing the PO32 receipt and serial number?

    If so, that will be main driver to actually purchase a PO32 :)



  • Fredrik Lidström

    Sorry for the late reply, but yes, the discount is still available

  • Jean Noel F


  • Fredrik Lidström

    - jean noel FLANC wrote:

    Sorry, my French sux, can you take that in English or Swedish please?

  • Vladislav Mazur

    Hey there!

    Posting here just in case my e-mail went to spam litterbox ^_^

    Have a nice day!

  • Kyungil Chung

    Hi there,

    Same here :)

    Posting here just in case my e-mail went to the spam.


  • John Kondwani Beni

    Hi Fredrik Lidström, I saw this thread and sent you an email with all my information needed for the discount. Do I still qualify?

    (just making sure you received my email since I saw a couple people got their emails sent to spam)

    Thanks :)

  • Rich Conrad

    Hello!just bought a new po32 im confused thought it cane with microtonice software code ?i looked all over all i have is the numbers on outside of box but i guess thats the serial number fir the po32.how can i get the software fir the drum machine please?

  • eli maffei

    Hi I also sent an email. Hoping I can get the discount to purchase?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    - John Kondwani Beni wrote:
    Hi Fredrik Lidström, I saw this thread and sent you an email with all my information needed for the discount. Do I still qualify?

    Yes, I emailed the discount code to you back in May, I hope you got it?

    - Rich Conrad wrote:
    Hello!just bought a new po32 im confused thought it cane with microtonice software code ?i looked all over all i have is the numbers on outside of box but i guess thats the serial number fir the po32.how can i get the software fir the drum machine please?

    Microtonic is not included when purchasing the PO-32. You need to purchase the PO-32 + Microtonic bundle for that.

    - eli maffei wrote:
    Hi I also sent an email. Hoping I can get the discount to purchase?

    Sorry for the delay, I replied to you earlier today

  • Omer Liberman

    Hi Fredrik! Please check a mail from me, I like to buy Microtonic with the discount of the po32 owners thanks! Have a good day🙏🏽

  • Duploid

    Hi, men. Wrere can i send my tonic s/n to get a discount on microtonic purchase? Thanks.

  • Bradley Black

    Hello Fredrik, is the microtonic rebate with purchase of po32 still a go? Sent you an email with s/n and receipt about a week ago. Thanks!

  • Fredrik Lidström

    - Duploid wrote:
    Hi, men. Wrere can i send my tonic s/n to get a discount on microtonic purchase? Thanks.


    - Bradley Black wrote:
    Hello Fredrik, is the microtonic rebate with purchase of po32 still a go? Sent you an email with s/n and receipt about a week ago. Thanks!

    Yes, we will continue running the Microtonic discount for PO-32 and PO-35 owners as long as the bundle is not available everywhere.

    I tend to fall behind on support emails from time to time, but you're always welcome to send me a reminder in case I have missed or not gotten your email.

  • Swaroopa

    I am from India and there is nothing as such available here. I bought the PO-32 from England via my brother in law and at the same time bought microtonic software all full price. I don't regret thought. Amazing company.

  • saw hum

    Hey) can u help please? I accidentally threw away all my POs' boxes and recipes. I bought it really long time ago and didn't know about the sale. Does that mean that i have no chance to get it?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    - saw hum wrote:
    Hey) can u help please? I accidentally threw away all my POs' boxes and recipes. I bought it really long time ago and didn't know about the sale. Does that mean that i have no chance to get it?

    Email a picture of your PO next to your photo ID to support@soniccharge.com

  • Hugues Bambrugge

    Hi, I just bought PO-32 on amazon, am i eligible for the discount ?

    (PS : I love your work, been so inspired by your interview with cuckoo ! Love from France)

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Yes. See first post for details.

  • David Loh

    Hi Fredrik, just posting to let you know I recently purchased a Tonic & I've emailed you my details, in case it gets lost in your spam filter.
    Thanks man, looking forward to messing around with it!

  • Dominik Painsi

    is this offer still avail? got my po 32 last xmass, but i lost my pagae so i only can show the recipe, is that enough?

  • Thibaut Caudrelier

    Hi Fredrik ! I also sent you an email with my PO-32 receipt and serial number.
    Have you received it ? Is the discount offer still available ?
    Thank you (Microtonic demo and Patternarium blew my mind)

  • Christof Lehanka

    Hi Frederik,
    Is the discount offer still available ?
    I also send you an email to support@soniccharge.com with my receipt and serial number.


  • Magnus Lidström

    Just to let everyone know: the discount offer is still valid. This is also true for PO-35 and PO-137 owners, but the instructions for proof of purchase are a bit different. See here: https://soniccharge.com/forum/topic/1057-microtonic-po-35-po-137-bundle

  • Moxie Wanderlust

    Hi - I emailed you about my PO-32 purchase. Can you add me?

  • Adam Young

    I trashed my PO-32 box before I knew about the discount is it possible to get this somehow?

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Adam Young wrote:
    I trashed my PO-32 box before I knew about the discount is it possible to get this somehow?

    Did you get help already? If not, contact support@soniccharge.com and provide us with a copy of your receipt and a picture of your PO-32 next to your photo ID.

  • topos enjoyer

    Hello, Fredrik, i emailed you my PO serial number, but im not sure, that i have any receipt, bought my po from mmag.ru and have only screenshot of order page on their site. Reply me, please

  • Jonathan Adler

    Hi, I emailed my receipt and serial earlier this week. It would be awesome to get a discount on microtonic!

  • Scott Miller

    Hi Fredrik & Magnus, receipt and serial sent your way for bundle discount. Thank you!

  • Thomas Bouric

    I sent you an email with the serial number of my PO32. Is it still possible to have a 20% discount on the purchase of microtonic software?

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