Synplant Randomize - How it Works

Iuri Côrte-Real (CORE)772 views4 posts
  • Iuri Côrte-Real (CORE)

    Hey awesome people,

    I'm currently on the trial version and actually decided to buy Synplant.
    One of the features I love is the "New Random Seed" but I don't know how does it actually work.

    Does it goes through the stock presets randomly or does it really randomizes the sound?
    Do we get "one of a kind" sounds or everyone might "stumble" on the same "randomized seed"?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Magnus Lidström

    It truly randomizes all genes. No one will ever be exactly the same as any other. The atonality slider is taken into consideration. Turn it up to get crazier special effect type of patches. Turn it down to get more melodic and playable patches.

  • Manuel Senfft

    Just a little question to be clear: when adjusting the atonality slider before getting a random seed, it behaves different, yes?

    Any more such "hidden tipps", which did not get mentioned in the tutorial (at least as far as I remember)? (=

  • Manuel Senfft

    Okay, nevermind. I might not remember it from the tutorial, but I found the answer in the manual. So yes:

    The Atonality slider affects the type of seed being created. If the
    slider is turned down to 0, the seed will typically produce a melodic and playable
    sound. If it is turned up to 100, the seed is more likely to become an unpitched sound


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