Synplant 2

Iuri Côrte-Real (CORE)14 997 views60 posts
  • Iuri Côrte-Real (CORE)

    I'm getting some saved money together to buy Synplant.

    The thing I'm most worried about is that it seems that Synplant 2 is closer than ever!
    Will it be a free update to those who bought Synplant or should I wait to buy Synplant 2?

    Thank You for your awesome plugin! (been "demo-ing" and it's definitely a game-changer)

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Hey. I hope that "closer than ever" is true, but a lot of times we have gone backwards in the Synplant 2 project. Five years ago I would not have imagined that we would still be working on it in 2017. 😊

    I would not wait if I were you because I couldn't tell you how long the wait would be. We try to make sure that our customers never feel that they should have waited with a purchase. That's one of the reasons we almost never do sales and our product prices don't go down (but rather up) over the years. All our product updates have also been free so far. If we would decide to start doing paid upgrades, we would definitely have a fair upgrade policy and reasonable upgrade fees.

  • Larry Ortega

    Any news on Synplant 2 . . . . this plugin is just amazing . . :)

  • nic

    don't trust 'em on synplant 2 Larry..... :-(

  • Magnus Lidström

    Oh no, do trust us when we say that we don't know when Synplant 2 will be finished. :D

    The story of Synplant 2 is actually that one of us (won't say who) mistakingly revealed that we were working on a version 2 of Synplant on some forum. This was maany years ago. Then came the 64-bit update craze and for a while Synplant v2 and 64-bit Synplant became synonymous, even from our side, so everyone was knocking on our door for Synplant v2 so they could run it in 64-bit Logic etc.

    After we decided that version 2 and 64-bit had nothing to do with each other and updated Synplant v1 (and the rest of our product line) to 64-bit we went back to working on many different projects, including entirely new products.

    We do still work on Synplant 2, I estimate around 1/4 of our time. But it is the toughest project to date by far. It just needs a lot of time and thought. Synplant is such a different and beautiful synth. We have an obligation to make an upgrade that matters.

  • be.sonore

    Une petite news au moin?pleaaaaase

  • be.sonore


  • Matthias Klein

    Hi all,
    I love Synplant and I hope truely for a version 2. Maybe with defineable Envelopes, Multi-Channel-Outs (imagine the possibilities - that would be the greatest thing for me, to further put the voices e.g. on a granular efx-plugin or some other efx like bucket brigade delays, reverbs and so on), a Mod-Matrix and such comfort stuff.

    But I also have to say that Synplant (1) is such an amazing synth which surprises me again and again that I don´t think I am in a real "need" for a second version. So please take all the time which is necessary to make SP2 the monster-synth I sense it could become one day after its metamorphosis :)

    Thank you for making such a great thing anyway / Cheers

  • Aaron Urbanski

    can i be the annoying user who requests an update on synplant 2? (it seems so)

  • Dave

    pocket operator synplant in the works too?

  • Michael Schirmer

    Any news? Can I be a little bit excited for the new synth or is it far far away?

    I really really hope for this plugin very soon (before april 2020)


  • Brendan Donovan

    Gatsby believed in the green light, just as I still believe... in Synplant 2...

    Synplant was the first synth i bought and it's still the one I use most. The day Synplant 2 comes out will be a joyous one. Is there any hint of an update on its progress? Bless you mad scientists over there at Sonic Charge.

  • (Download Synplant 2 Pro Expansion Demo!)

    Want v2! :)

  • Steffen Kläner

    Automation in synplant 2 would be worth paying the full price again.

  • (Download Synplant 2 Pro Expansion Demo!)

    - steffen kläner wrote:
    Automation in synplant 2 would be worth paying the full price again.


  • Roger Ribas

    I would like to know how is the progress on Synplant 2, for me this is the most anticipated synth update! 🌿💗

  • d.sp


    I honestly think "Synplant 2" should just be a big update to Synplant rather than making another plugin. If there was an update for Synplant to allow automation of the genome perimeters and the inclusion of aftertouch that would hold off a lot of users until whatever "Synplant 2" is gets implemented into Synplant. Id hate for Synplant to get shelved after a certain point. There's so much room for improvement on what's already a beast of a plugin. Personally I found it has been awesome for learning parts of synthesis that I found incredibly tedious and repetitive. While carving away at my own patches I start getting the itch for being able to do more and automate perimeters as I don't have numerous hands to my disposal. I take this as a good sign for the creative process and for one's own development of skills. If a plugin can get someone moving in their production then I'd call it worthy enough of growing and developing further.

  • be.sonore

    c est claire que je suis drogué de ce plug in on attend tous cette nouvelle version .....une petite info sur le sujet serais la bien venu !!!! :)

  • stelvia

    - Beepsonore Beep wrote:
    c est claire que je suis drogué de ce plug in

    PAREIL !! :) Same here.

  • stelvia

    - Idakno Yutelmi wrote:
    automation of the genome perimeters

    a petition at change dot org : this dystopian world needs Synplant genome modulation more than ever ;)

  • stelvia

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    Synplant is such a different and beautiful synth. We have an obligation to make an upgrade that matters.

    I think we all agree that this is a very unique and beautiful synth. Genome automation would be such a great gift to begin with... We'd all happily pay for Synplant2 in the future too.

  • Quickmix

    2021? :)

  • Jose Velez

    - New Loops wrote:
    - steffen kläner wrote:
    Automation in synplant 2 would be worth paying the full price again.

    I agree.. This synth is amazing when you understand the inner works of it. You can make some crazy insane sounding synths!!!

  • Manuel Senfft

    1. It might be a bit weird to ask this so soon after I purchased Synplant, but ... any updates now at the end of 2021 regarding Synplant 2? :D
    2. And furthermore:
    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    The story of Synplant 2 is actually that one of us (won't say who) mistakingly revealed that we were working on a version 2 of Synplant on some forum.

    What forum? Asking .. eh.. for a friend. * cough cough * (-;

    .. maybe some sneakpeaks or so would be nice. Or at least some more information to what we all could expect; at least roughly. I mean: will it be something almost new, or "just" some things from v1 improved?

    I am totally curious. {=

  • SIC

    - Manuel Senfft wrote:
    1. It might be a bit weird to ask this so soon after I purchased Synplant, but ... any updates now at the end of 2021 regarding Synplant 2? :D
    2. And furthermore:
    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    The story of Synplant 2 is actually that one of us (won't say who) mistakingly revealed that we were working on a version 2 of Synplant on some forum.
    What forum? Asking .. eh.. for a friend. * cough cough * (-;
    .. maybe some sneakpeaks or so would be nice. Or at least some more information to what we all could expect; at least roughly. I mean: will it be something almost new, or "just" some things from v1 improved?
    I am totally curious. {=

    Yesss. Me too :) Xmas present maybe?

  • Jacksen Toomz

    Automation in gene Menu please!... Thats all it needs. Thanks for your hard work and such an amazing synth

  • Stack of Plates

    So, is this still on the radar?

  • Bru Franco

    I think it is coming...

  • Aaron Urbanski

    it's coming soon!!!!!!

  • Eichi

    yyyeeeeiiii !! Can‘t wait!! 🐣✨

  • CDRowell

    Are there any more informations about the release of Synplant 2? I can´t wait anymore... PLEASE let me know!

  • netro

    Will synplant 2 have a way to morph between two patches like microtonic?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    - CDRowell wrote:
    Are there any more informations about the release of Synplant 2? I can´t wait anymore... PLEASE let me know!

    We're still pretty confident we can release towards the end of Q3.

    - netro wrote:
    Will synplant 2 have a way to morph between two patches like microtonic?

    Sorry, no, it will not.

  • hummersallad

    Should we expect a big difference in processing speed between Mac Intel and Apple Silicon?

  • netro

    Is it still possible to get on the beta?

  • hummersallad

    I too would love to try the beta. Will you add more people before the release?
    (I have signed up)

  • Gregory Wells-King

    I think what I've seen from a very brief demo, is incredible. The truth, is that, it's obviously on point perfectly, as a good example (I believe) of Ai in music assistance that leaves plenty of room for interaction without artistic credential being brought under the spotlight. I assume the engine is based around additive and physical modelling, Could you give any hint at what suitable source material would be ?

  • gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider

    - Gregory Wells-King wrote:
    I think what I've seen from a very brief demo, is incredible. The truth, is that, it's obviously on point perfectly, as a good example (I believe) of Ai in music assistance that leaves plenty of room for interaction without artistic credential being brought under the spotlight. I assume the engine is based around additive and physical modelling, Could you give any hint at what suitable source material would be ?

    If you looked at the ind epth video with cuckoo , you'll notice that the engine is not doing any physical modelling or additive .
    It's a subtractive engine with crossmod bewteen oscs and morphable variable filters .
    Perhaps the ai engine uses an underlying additive generator one to break up the imported sounds into bins but reconstructing is done using the Virt.ANA aengine .
    I am curious how synplant will reconstruct speech and evolving sounds knowing it only has a loopable envelope etc...

  • Jaydot

    is there anyone besides me who check for the release of this plugin everyday since july? Yess? No?
    Mannnnnn lol
    I know for a fact this is going to replace all my sounds.even my go to presets im going to make them all in synplant 2 man.
    Its a game changer for me already!

  • calle sjönell

    Can’t wait either! Just a question. Would it be possible to update Synolant 2 with more complex envelopes which maybe will make amplitude approximations easier/better? Or do you, Magnus, have to remake the entire model?

  • Gabriel Gaminde

    - Jaydot wrote:
    is there anyone besides me who check for the release of this plugin everyday since july? Yess? No?
    Mannnnnn lol
    I know for a fact this is going to replace all my sounds.even my go to presets im going to make them all in synplant 2 man.
    Its a game changer for me already!

    Me. Specially because SonicCharge always delivers. They are amazing developers.

  • Gabriel Gaminde

    - gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider wrote:
    - Gregory Wells-King wrote:
    I think what I've seen from a very brief demo, is incredible. The truth, is that, it's obviously on point perfectly, as a good example (I believe) of Ai in music assistance that leaves plenty of room for interaction without artistic credential being brought under the spotlight. I assume the engine is based around additive and physical modelling, Could you give any hint at what suitable source material would be ?
    If you looked at the ind epth video with cuckoo , you'll notice that the engine is not doing any physical modelling or additive .
    It's a subtractive engine with crossmod bewteen oscs and morphable variable filters .
    Perhaps the ai engine uses an underlying additive generator one to break up the imported sounds into bins but reconstructing is done using the Virt.ANA aengine .
    I am curious how synplant will reconstruct speech and evolving sounds knowing it only has a loopable envelope etc...

    I post this on another topic. Can't wait for the Uncanny Valley sonic effect. Something closer to the source but not quite. This plugin idea is pure genius.

  • Christopher Hall

    Synplant 2 is like a lyre bird, this ai is very exciting to me. I really feel like this is ground breaking shit man. I am very much looking forward, to Synplant 2's release.

  • Wonderarp

    James Blake mention Synplant 2 shortly in an interview.

  • mikers

    Just want to check what the definition of Q3 is... are we talking accountants financial years or normal people years? Have assumed normal people years and days have never passed this slowly in a September before. :)

  • Fredrik Lidström

    We're normal people.

    It's a really rough time crunch, but we'll try to make it happen!

  • mikers

    Good to know! Will hold my breath.

  • Jeff Fressco

    Longest month fr :D

  • Adam Jablonski

    Open beta / early access might compensate for the delay and help with crunch. Synplant is quite addictive.

  • Akod

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    We're normal people.

    I must say I'm a little disappointed to learn that. ;-)

    Regularly checking for Synplant 2 as well... I musn't... OCD flare-up red alert! %P

    Hope you're not too exhausted and not facing too much unexpected difficulties this late in the game. Hopefully seeing the end of this so, so loooong tunnel...

  • Iden Mozafari

    Can't wait for Synplant 2's release, beyond excited to build synth libraries and create songs from scratch using it! Take all the time you guys need! Music and artists will thank you all the same, and I have such respect and patience for Sonic Charge's products. Much love!

  • NextDAW

    What audio file formats does the Genopatch interface currently support in Synplant 2? For example, does it support both WAV and FLAC lossless formats?

    If it doesn't support the latter, could you also add that to the plugin, as I tend to use FLAC for much of my stored audio files, since it is a more efficient for storage purposes.

    If it's too late at this stage to add such support for Synplant 2's initial launch, could you possibly add that for the next update?

  • Michelle G

    I absolutely love the concept of this synth. I am not buying any synths or instruments now until the release of this. It looks like a dream come true. Something that I did not even imagine. I have been in music making with computers since 94 and have always thought of Sonic Charge as a very cool company. Much respect.

    Fredrik, I don't know you but I hope you are taking good care of yourself. Don't push yourself into chronic burnout. This is coming from a person who has been recovering from debilitating burnout for over 8 years now. Simply worked myself too hard. We all have breaking points. What I learned is that a broken person is just that, broken. Everything stops. Everybody loses. You the most.

    Peace from Canada!

  • Fredrik Lidström

    I'm starting to realize I'm getting too old to work 16 hours a day. Haha. It's rough, but all good. We're doing our best to get this out as soon as we can now (without jeopardizing quality). Not only for you guys but for our own peace of mind. 😁

    Finished up the Nightshift skin that I started during the Beta, so it will also make it to release.

  • hummersallad

    That Nightshift skin looks absolutely fabulous! 👻

  • mikers

    Definitely easy on the eyes... very nice.

  • SIC

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:

    I'm starting to realize I'm getting too old to work 16 hours a day. Haha. It's rough, but all good. We're doing our best to get this out as soon as we can now (without jeopardizing quality). Not only for you guys but for our own peace of mind. 😁
    Finished up the Nightshift skin that I started during the Beta, so it will also make it to release.

    Just take good care of yourself. It's been a long time so if it takes a while longer it won't kill us ;)
    Love the dark skin. Can't wait....

  • Akod

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    We're doing our best to get this out as soon as we can now (without jeopardizing quality). Not only for you guys but for our own peace of mind. 😁

    Just as SIC said. Take good care of yourself. We can wait. Deadlines are just meaningless. I can't wait... but I can!

    Or release with a few "Known issues" that will just be taken care of in the next release, after the real world smoke test. So long as they are not too severe and we can start to enjoy S2, if bugs are acknowledged and followed up upon, the quality of the process will be better appreciated than an elusive pristine release.

    Meanwhile, Studio One just released a new version, Cubase could be next very soon. Windows, MacOS, DAWs, graphic drivers... Murphy's law state that whatever you do, if you take too long, some update will happen and you can restart your beta all over again. ;-)

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