Synplant and MicroTonic free upgrades after Purchase older Versions

Matthias Klein302 views3 posts
  • Matthias Klein

    first of all I just want to say how pleased I am with MicroTonic. I love its musical Sound character. Bought it yesterday and played around with it nearly 4 hours :) Simply great.

    My Question:
    now I would like purchasing your SYNTHPLANT too. I am aware, that you will release a Version II some day. Because over 100,00 EUR isn´t a small amount of money for me I would like to know if I will get a free update from the old Synplant version to a new one after the purchase.

    If not, can you tell when a new version could be out and do you say its better for me to wait until this release in my case? I cannot afford to spend 2 times over 100,00 EUR and I am sure I want to use a version II over the old one :)

    Thanks a lot and Greetings

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Hi, so far both minor and major updates for all our products have been free. I cannot promise that we will keep doing free upgrades forever; but if we would decide to charge for updates, we will have a generous grace period and upgrade price. You would never have to pay the full price twice, that I can promise you.

    As of right now, we do not have a release date on Synplant 2, we don't even have a definitive project time plan. It is a pet project that we have been working on and off for a very long time and put an incredible amount of development and research into. We have created and thrown away different features over the years, because they did not turn out good enough or did not fit the Synplant concept well enough.

    I would not wait for Synplant 2. It could be a very long and uncertain wait where you actually do not even know what you are waiting for. If I may say so myself, Synplant is already a great product (that is one big reason why it is so hard for us to finish Synplant 2) and you should already own it. =)

  • Matthias Klein

    Hi Fredrik,
    thanks a lot for your fast and informative reply.´s bought :)

    I like your kind of company phylosophy (a few tools which are supported and improved over a very long period/ Registration procedure of your plugins) and I wish you all the joy developping and all the success selling your totally awesome plugins to the world. Keep up the good work.

    Wishing a good time

    okay, bought the Echobode also...looking so much foreward to fiddle around with the 2 instruments :)

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