Flakes and FooBar for Permut8

Magnus Lidström1 545 views18 posts
  • Magnus Lidström

    Happy Holidays everyone! It has been a splendid year for Sonic Charge. The launch of Echobode AU / VST turned out more successful than we could have imagined and it has received rave reviews everywhere. Before you ask, I know that many of you are waiting for Synplant version 2 and yes, we are still working on it, but no ETA still.

    Meanwhile we simply can't resist churning out Permut8 firmwares because they are so easy and fun to make. The last two additions are called Flakes and FooBar and they complete a trilogy of pattern-oriented effects that started with Trancelvania (released on Halloween). Check this video for a demonstration.

    YouTube Video

    We have updated the "Permut8 Official Firmware Banks" installer to include Flakes, FooBar and Trancelvania. Registered users can download for free here. Let us know what you think.

    The merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years from the Lidström brothers!

  • nic

    Oh my God!! What an awesome video!! And the new firmwares sound really great!!!
    Many thanx and merry christmas genius brothers!

  • Martin Walker

    Wow! I've never owned a product before that keeps adding so many amazing new features!
    Exceedingly good work guys, and thank you.

  • Serge GORA

    _ A nice Christmas present _

  • david baluteau

    excellent! thanks

  • fran_ky

    Thank you very much! Awesome..

  • Stanny Franssen

    How how how. Thanks for the cool X-Mas gift Magnus!

  • Mark Griffiths

    thank you, very much looking forward to trying these - happy christmas!

  • AB459

    Oh my, granular, combo filter features, it's almost fulfillment of desires, you guys are among the best, thank you.

  • Dave


    thank you :)

  • aoVI

    wonderful--merry christmas to the genius brothers!

  • Nils-Erik Johansson

    Nice firmwares! Thank you very much :)

  • Jonah Sprout

    woah nice, thanks! didn't know about trancelvania either so it's even more to play with. :)

    but now i'm curious, if it's easy to make firmwares, is that documented and i missed it? permut8 seems to be turning into an interesting platform/framework for making various effects...

    ... i'd like to try making something that mutates firmwares a la Synplant...genetic manipulations of of firmware permutations sounds fun. :) one of the things that makes permut8 so great i think and why i keep coming back to it is how well it captures that living feeling+sound of interaction and complex interdependencies that poking around with circuits has. :)

    ...or i wonder if any of cyclone functionality - like those interesting filters could go 'inside' permut8.

    anyway, thanks again!

  • Magnus Lidström

    Easy is relative Jonah. It's easy for me of course since I wrote the plug-in (Permut8), the virtual machine that runs the firmwares (GAZL) and the language that compiles into GAZL assembly code (Impala).

    There is some very sparse documentation available in the example "ringmod" firmware. Have a look under Permut8 Firmware Code in the Sonic Charge support dir (typically C:\Program Files\Sonic Charge\ on Windows and /Library/Application Support/Sonic Charge/ on Mac).

    If there is interest I'll try to whip up some more documentation on the Impala language and philosophy behind GAZL.

  • e@rs

    Thank you very much for the new firmwares. They seem like a ton of fun from the video.

    Happy new year!

  • XRMX

    Permut8 just keeps getting better and better... thanks for the cool new upgrades! I used Foobar extensively with my Serge Modular for this track (also Microtonic):

    blinki-tron by xrmx-1

  • Magnus Lidström

    Nice! Thanks for sharing. Especially enjoyed the intro soundscapes. I love mangling analog sounds through Permut8.

  • Sylvan Frieze

    "If there is interest I'll try to whip up some more documentation on the Impala language and philosophy behind GAZL."

    Yes please! Been using Permut8 a lot, & also wondering how to make firmwares.

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