Echobode and Bitwig 1.3 sucks

Martin Géč280 views2 posts
  • Martin Géč

    I can't reopen any project in Bitwig which has Echobode on any of the tracks. Please guys, fix this. It's ridiculous. :-)

    I am on OSX.

  • Magnus Lidström

    Do you mean that you can't load projects (containing Echobode) that you made with earlier versions of Bitwig, or do you mean that you can't load any project containing Echobode even if it was just saved with Bitwig 1.3?

    I can't reproduce the latter here and I don't have any earlier version of Bitwig available at the moment to test with.

    If I create a project with a few Echobode instances, save it, quit, restart Bitwig and reload the project everything looks fine to me.

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