If I save a chromatic Microtonic preset, the sound morph page 2 is not saved! Strange: The Velocity setting are morphing!
It is a little bit bad because morphing isd one of the basic things I use...
Morph settings are not stored inside presets, these settings are "above" presets so to speak. E.g. you can load one preset into the left side of the morph and another into the right side.
If you want to save the full state of the Microtonic including all morph data, save it as an fxb/fxp (or .aupreset) using the preset features in your DAW instead.
which setting is the fxb/fxp file?
I love Microtonic!
Nice design with nice sound, and no kind of bugs!
I use Microtonic for my bassdrum!
I had a strange issue: If the morph slider is totally in the middle (100% each side), the saved preset is totally different like both sides!
Furthermore you suggest to save in my DAW: The problem is, there is no good preset folder system so every preset is in a huge long list, thats why I dont use DAW preset savings...
The other file standard is not choosable, just the main kind of file...
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