Forum, MicroTonic 3.0.1 and Scripts

Magnus Lidström7 386 views8 posts
  • Magnus Lidström

    It is May and a lovely day here in Sweden and to make things even better we have some news for you Sonic Chargers today.

    First off, regular visitors (if there is such a thing) will perhaps notice a new tab at the top of this page called "forum".

    Yes, that is right, we have finally given in to the numerous requests for opening a Sonic Charge community forum. This means we now have a spot to share tricks and techniques, support questions and faqs, patches, scripts and late night discussions on the advantages of Blackman-Harris windows in phase vocoders (personally looking forward to that one).

    Anyone may register an account but in order to post on any of the "User Forums" you need to be authorized as a Sonic Charge customer. The way this works is that the email address you enter when creating the forum account should match the address you used when purchasing one of our products. (In case you have changed your email address with us afterwards you may use the new address too.)

    It is free for anyone to post in the "Support Forum".

    Notice how nicely the forum integrates with the home page (these announcement are posts that you can comment on) and the support page (e.g., most viewed support questions are listed). The Twitter / Facebook logon is wicked too. Hats off to Fredrik for setting this all up.

    News #2 is that we have upgraded µTonic from 3.0 to 3.0.1. This is a compatibility and bug-fix release for both Windows and Mac. We recommend everyone to download and install this version from . Here is the break-down on what has been fixed:

    • Fixed a problem in the AU version when loading version 2 projects that could make µTonic use the wrong program number.
    • Fixed a problem with clicks in exported audio when using the "Append" tail mode.
    • Fixed a rare timing drift problem between GUI and audio when using certain audio cards.
    • Solved a compatibility problem with the Windows version of Nuendo that froze the application when using copy functions in µTonic.
    • Eliminated some almost inaudible but unwanted aliasing in the sine oscillator.
    • µTonic now displays a special message when attempting to register with a version 1 or 2 key.
    • Code is PPC G4 compatible again (just as version 2 was).
    • Updated scripting engine.On the subject of scripts, I have finally put together some documentation on how this works and uploaded a zip package containing the scripts that I have written so far. You will find more info on, yes you guessed it... the forum.

    Warm regards,
    Magnus Lidström

  • Meffy Ellis

    Would you like me to announce this on KVR?

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Meffy wrote:
    Would you like me to announce this on KVR?

    It would be most welcome thank you!

  • anonymous

    Where can i find documentation on scripts?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    - Jelle wrote:
    Where can i find documentation on scripts?

    You can find it here on the forum in the First Script Package for MicroTonic topic.

  • nanotron

    These Scripts are very useful. Thanks for such a great job!

  • anonymous

    Any chance to have it in 64 bits Au for Logic ??

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