Synplant Registration Key not working

Alex Nicholls2 488 views2 posts
  • Alex Nicholls

    Hey Guys,

    Just bought the synplant and my registration key isn't working.

    Did anyone else have this problem and know how to solve it?



  • Fredrik Lidström


    I know I already answered this question via the email you sent. Just in case you did not receive it or someone else has the same question, here is the answer again.

    When purchasing a Synplant licenses, you will receive a registration key that does not work for earlier versions of Synplant. If you have not installed Synplant 1.2 yet, please download it from our site. After installation you should be able to use the Sonic Charge Authenticator to unlock it.

    If you cannot run Synplant 1.2 on your system, please contact us through the contact form and let us know what computer and operating system version you have.

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