Minor uTonic multi out issue

Steve Naumovski1 442 views3 posts
  • Steve Naumovski

    When using the multi output version of uTonic, previewing a drum patch will always output via outs 1 & 2. For example, selecting drum part 6 and opening "browse for drum patches" and then previewing a patch the output will play via outs 1 & 2 and not via outs 11 & 12.

    Not a big deal but can be annoying if you have a lot of FXs on outs 1 & 2 or if you have the particular drum part solo'ed etc. Once a patch is confirmed it plays via the correct output(s).



  • AB459

    (Just in case) Like this, in any versia (multi-out or not), in drum setting select Output "B", and try use Browse for drum patches. Sound will go through channel "A" always.

  • Magnus Lidström

    Good news for you. I have changed the previewing behavior in the upcoming MT 3.1 release to work as you suggested. Drum patches will be previewed on the audio output that they load into.

    We are in the final stages of beta test of MT 3.1. Release will be soon.

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