Been reading the manual of this amazing synth, and I'm just confused with "currently selected branch". I just can't see no indicator that some branch is currently selected. So how the branch is selected at all?
The currently selected branch is indicated by this small seed (which also functions as the "branch length control"):
OK, I get it now. What was actually confusing to me is to how you select the branch. First of all, the track must be stopped so that notes doesn't change currently selected branches. Then you click on Key ring to just select the branch, not to grow or shrink the branch.
Excerpt from manual:
"Hold down ALT and click the Seed Button to clone the currently selected branch to
all 12 branches."
I think this is where something like this should be added: "While the track is stopped, ..... select the branch by clicking on Key ring, and then hold down ALT and click the Seed Button...."
Hope I got it well?
Also take a look at your MIDI Settings:
Select Branches with MIDI Notes
If unchecked, playing notes won’t automatically select branches, allowing you to edit while playing a sequence.
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