I stumbled on the Voice Edit > Utility> Add function(8) for Cyclone after loading a yamaha patch, and it created splits across the keyboard perfectly, I need this function more than anything for drums.
So I thought lets start fresh,new voice, add a ton of drum samples to cyclone and use the "voice edit" "utility add function" to get going. I read the updated typhoon manual to understand the process better and I modified the default group or split to have all of the needed settings,, fixed pitch, one-shot, and stereo.
i then went to the add function under utility set the sample to the first one, made sure split was selected and hit go for each sample to be added.
unfortunately no splits were added, am i missing something?
Also, the Group option creates the groups but does not set the samples on there own separate key.
Manually I could go through and get this set up but the Add function worked perfectly before.
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