Ability to add samples to Microtonic 4

Roland Hancock6 579 views23 posts
  • Roland Hancock

    Any thoughts to adding the ability to add your own samples to microtonic, as so to mix samples and synthesis?

  • reddog

    I thought the whole idea of MicroTonic was that it was synthesis based program.

  • AB459

    In my opinion, better not.

    1) It would have been interesting, if would be the presence of inтernal complex effect processing \ transformation of the original osc signal.
    2) In addition, there is MIDI outputs that can be assigned to the sampler and synchronously mixing wave sample and u-tonic, each channel individually.

    Ie at least this moments negate this idea.

  • MIST AZO (M I S T A Z O)

    Good idea but my answer is NO to that!
    I want keep microtonic simple as it is.

    i just want to have a 64bit version asap!

  • Lazylefteye

    - Myung J Cho wrote:
    Good idea but my answer is NO to that!
    I want keep microtonic simple as it is.
    i just want to have a 64bit version asap!

    I agree.All Microtonic needs is 64bit version.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Resonator wrote:
    I agree.All Microtonic needs is 64bit version.

    I have good news then: 3.1 is ready for beta as soon as we have sorted out the new installers and "BetaTracker" for 10.8.

  • Lazylefteye

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    I have good news then: 3.1 is ready for beta as soon as we have sorted out the new installers and "BetaTracker" for 10.8.

    Great news indeed.
    Thank you,really looking forward to the update.

  • MIST AZO (M I S T A Z O)

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    I have good news then: 3.1 is ready for beta as soon as we have sorted out the new installers and "BetaTracker" for 10.8.


  • Adrian Knotts

    Sorry pretty new to Microtonic..............Is it possible to add my own sound banks of hats snares etc etc so they will then be converted to the correct format and then playable through Microtonic?

  • Magnus Lidström

    Sorry pretty new to Microtonic..............Is it possible to add my own sound banks of hats snares etc etc so they will then be converted to the correct format and then playable through Microtonic?

    You are talking about importing sample files, right? Microtonic is 100% synthetic. It generates all sounds using "virtual analog" oscillators and filters. No sample playback at all. So loading samples into it is simply not possible. Sorry.

  • Peter Tinsley

    I suppose 2 nice features would be an algorithm which analyses a sample and then re-creates it as a synth and another algorithm which analyses drumloop samples and converts it to a Microtonic Preset. This could be done as a separate plugin for creating MicroTonic patches. That way we could convert sound-samples to clean synth patches. A batch processor for this would be a God-send but I imagine it would probably not be too easy to code. Although this sounds impossible (or unlikely at least), I see that the ABL3 synth can do this for patterns. It analyses a sample loop for individual notes, note pitch, note length, note slides, note velocity (accent). It's very quick and fairly accurate - even when it gets it wrong, it still generates something unique and usable. It's meant for translating recordings of original 303 bassline loops but you can feed it drum loops or vocals and it will still work - even if they are not cued/looped/normalised, lol. I've made hundreds of decent presets this way. It's not perfect all the time but it does open up another angle to quickly add new synthesized sounds and patterns and it would also satisfy those who want to import their own sounds without taking away from the ethos of Tonic or bloating/complicating it with samples.

  • Manuel Senfft

    Vegan Pete: totally cool idea! I also once thought: "can't there be some kind of audio-to-patch mechanic". I also would love this idea / feature. (=

  • Peter Tinsley

    With Synplant 2 being released with this feature, later this year, it may also possibly become a feature for Microtonic too.

  • Steven Sauve

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    You are talking about importing sample files, right? Microtonic is 100% synthetic. It generates all sounds using "virtual analog" oscillators and filters. No sample playback at all. So loading samples into it is simply not possible. Sorry.

    Being 100% synthetic is what I love about the sound and programming of uTonic.

  • johnathan tyrer

    Hi Magnus,just wondering with the release of synplant 2 (now demoing) is there any plans for a Microtonic 2?

  • AAV

    Assume you mean 4? (Current version of Microtonic is 3.3.4 I believe)

  • Peter Tinsley

    Yes, I know it's 100% synthetic, but as Synplant 2 proves, it's obviously possible to use algorithms to analyse and resynthesise samples.

  • gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider

    - Peter Tinsley wrote:
    Yes, I know it's 100% synthetic, but as Synplant 2 proves, it's obviously possible to use algorithms to analyse and resynthesise samples.

    Uhh , how do you thing that the vintage tonic set is achieved ?
    Exactly ,by analyzing existing audio of drummachines and recreating it with microtonic's internal engine ...

  • Peter Tinsley

    @GG Thanks for the sarcasm but you completely missed my point.

    Here's my original comment from March 2022:
    "I suppose 2 nice features would be an algorithm which analyses a sample and then re-creates it as a synth and another algorithm which analyses drumloop samples and converts it to a Microtonic Preset. This could be done as a separate plugin for creating MicroTonic patches. That way we could convert sound-samples to clean synth patches. "

    Maybe you;re correct, that's probably how the vintage and beatspace/patternarium sets were created - but Microtonic cannot create drum patterns and instrument patches from an imported sample for the end user.

    Synplant can now resynthesise samples to patches and ABL3 can synthesise samples to patterns. So my comment still stands - it would be great if it Microtonic can resythesise samples to create patterns and patches.

    I'm almost certain this will be added as a feature in the near future. Not much more needs to be said.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Patternarium uses a purely genetic approach using two patterns to spawn new offsprings with variations and mutations. The selection is done based on all of your votes.

    With Beatspace, we took nearly 30 000 presets from Patternarium and trained a neural network to map them into a 2d space. We put the network into Beatspace, and given an X and Y coordinate into it would then recreate and give back a patch and the pattern.

    Vintage Tonic was done with parts of the technology that Genopatch uses, together with other machine-learning methods, and some hand crafting. These are crude and slow development labs, no where near a refined finished product like Genopatch, but the result were an amazing proof of concept. We'd like to revisit it and explorer further into this when we get time.

  • Peter Tinsley

    Perfect, thanks for explaining. Beatspace, Patternarium and Genopatch are definitely leaps forward and a fantastic addition to the SonicCharge plugins.

  • Marco Raaphorst

    adding Genopatch technology to Microtonic would be super nice though!

  • NextDAW

    - Marco Raaphorst wrote:
    adding Genopatch technology to Microtonic would be super nice though!

    That would be fantastic. You could then quickly and easily build your own 'sound-alike' drum kit just from samples > converted into Microtonic percussion patches.

    If it's even possible and wouldn't take another decade to develop (just kidding) 😜. I mean, since Genopatch for Synplant is now existing and doing its thang over in that other plugin, then I say go for it.

    Genopatch for Microtonic would surely be a worthy feature to justify a major update for any potential Microtonic v4. And a HUGE marketing/selling point it would be also.

    I would imagine most users would want to upgrade for such a useful new feature. Not to mention, attracting many new users who have yet to jump on the Microtonic bandwagon, with such an interesting new Genopatch functionality,

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