I noticed that in the Microtonic user guide, it says that Microtonic can transmit MIDI from the sequencer engine as long as the host allows this. Does anyone know if this is meant to work in Ableton Live 12?
"Pattern engine transmits MIDI notes" is activated in my Microtonic MIDI config, but when viewing/setting MIDI inputs in the destination track in Live, Microtonic doesn't seem to be sending anything (and I'm using the VST version of Microtonic).
Wondering if this is a known limitation for Microtonic in Live or if maybe I'm setting it up wrong.
Did you try the VST2.4 version?
I tested with all of the versions of Microtonic that were installed when I did the installation and authorization, the VST2.4 version is among those installed by default right?
Yes. VST2.4 is the best standard for working with MIDI (and generally). It's installed by default, but you can skip it when you set destination paths in the Windows installer. Are you running Live 12 on Mac or Windows?
I double-checked and yeah I have both VST versions installed, and they're both not sending MIDI it seems.
I'm on a Mac; M3 MacBook Pro running Sonoma 14.5
MIDI work fine to me on Ableton Live 12 Suite, by default loop is on C0 or C1
I figured it out, was setting up the MIDI routing improperly in my tracks in Live. Thanks for the replies!
What exactly did you do for routing? I'm having the same issue. No matter which version I use I cannot route Microtonic's sequencer MIDI to another MIDI track. I understand you can just drag and drop a MIDI sequence from Microtonic to another MIDI track, but I'm automating swing and tempo inside Microtonic, which doesn't get carried over in the MIDI file of course.
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