Cannot pay with debit card from Ica Banken

Opifex58 views6 posts
  • Opifex

    Hello, stumbled upon your plugins and would like to buy 'em. However, couldn't get the transaction through and contacted my bank, ICA Banken. They responded that they do not deem Sonic Charge to be a trusted seller and therefore declines all attempts to purchases from you guys.

    Could you please look into it? I'd rather not pay via PayPal.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Someone's confused. Sonic Charge plugins are sold through FastSpring (Bright Market, LLC), a US company. Sonic Charge is never listed as a seller.

    I use ICA Banken myself and have test-ordered in our shop previously without any issues. You need to ensure that international online payments are enabled. Your card could also be set to require BankID. If that is the case, try temporarily disabling that option.

  • Opifex

    I talked to Ica Banken again, and they clarified that the issue seems to be between Mastercard and FastSpring, and that there's nothing that they can do. They also confirmed that my own settings are not an issue in this matter, e.g. disabled option regarding BankID.

    I also could not complete a purchase with Steinberg (Cubase) recently because of the same issue with FastSpring/Mastercard.

    I ended up buying Microtonic via PayPal, but perhaps this issue needs further investigation.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Thank you for reporting this. I will contact them and ask if there is an ongoing issue with MasterCard.

  • Opifex

    Do you have an update on this matter? Have you talked to FastSpring or any other party?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Yes, since I also have ICA Banken, I tested it, and no matter what options I used, they blocked every try. I asked FastSpring, and they said the card issuer blocked all attempts.

    I then contacted ICA Banken and received a response this week stating that they have reviewed and lifted the block. I suspect a store using FastSpring was reported, and they just blocked everything. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

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