Ableton Project file, Synplant 2, not all instances are found.

Jerke Ýûrkï26 views1 post
  • Jerke Ýûrkï

    Hey there,
    I have this weird problem...

    I load in an Ableton project file containing multiple tracks with Synplant VST3.
    (it's Synplant 2)

    They all load fine except one track, there it says: "The VST3 plug-in cloud not be found."
    Which is weird because it should be the same plug-in file! (double checked, it's all .vst3

    I tried

    • uninstalling and reinstalling Synplant 2
    • Live: rescanning plugins with alt (deep rescan)
    • system reboot
    • moving the .vst3 around hoping it would find it.

    Macos 13.3.1
    Live 11 and 12 (problem in both versions), Synplant 2 -> all latest versions

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