Sonic Charge Plugins Bundle purchase request

Miroslav Miskovic (Jozzef)71 views2 posts
  • Miroslav Miskovic (Jozzef)

    Hey I sent you an email but also thought about posting here as you mentioned that I might get a faster response here. I bought Microtonic ago (January 12, 20223) for $99 and actually realized that I should have bought the whole Sonic Charge Plugins Bundle for $279 because your plugins are all awesome in more ways than one.

    Would there be any chance to get a special deal/promotional code to purchase a bundle for additional $180 on top of $99 that I paid for Microtonic and so it all comes to the advertised $279?

    I would really appreciate if you could do this as I really love all that you do/create as it's in a way timeless. Microtonic is today as new as was when it was first released and it likely won't change in the future. It simply doesn't get old.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    January 12, 20223? 😁

    Sure, since it was only 2 days ago, no problems. We'll have to set up an order for you manually. Since you already sent an email, we'll get back to you there with a link.

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