program change doesn't work

Howie Lee83 views6 posts
  • Howie Lee

    The program change doesn't work somehow ?

  • simon Vermeulen

    yes, it doesnt work??? please help me find a solution, i really wanna abuse synplant heavily in my next liveshow in 18 days? it just doesnt work??!!! (using ableton)

  • Fredrik Lidström

  • simon Vermeulen

    thanks for replying so fast, i did allready many times, it just doesnt seem to respond to the program changes, so i make a clip in ableton, change the values to bank1 sub1 program 1 (and all the variations possible) but no responding, i also tried to make a separate dummy clip and then route it to synplant but no luck. I tried it with absynth and that works inmediatly so its really synplant related. Peace

  • Magnus Lidström

    Maybe you are using the VST3 version of Synplant in Ableton? Afaik, program changes are not supported for VST3s in Ableton but are supported for VST2s.

    Program changes work for me here with the VST2.

  • simon Vermeulen

    IT WORKKSSSSSSSS, I fucking LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the fast response!!!!

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