Loading Samples into Microtonic?

PAUL RAMPAGE729 views12 posts

    Hi Guy's,

    Is it possible to Open/Load a non Microtonic sample into Microtonic, such as a "One shot" Kick drum WAV or MP3 File/Sample?
    Or can you only use the Factory Presets it comes with?

    Thanks...Cheers !

  • Thomas Jeppesen

    Microtonic is a drumsynth. It doesn't do samples.


    thanks Thomas

  • Michael // MSLD

    Microtonic's architecture is strictly synthetic and there are no plans for adding sample playback. However, Magnus and Fredrik have considered adding audio resynthesis, similar to Synplant 2's Genopatch, to Microtonic. (That's how they made the Vintage Tonic kits for Microtonic.)

    They've talked about that possibility in the forum, stipulating that it is a potential path, not guaranteed. So, keep your eyes peeled.

  • Alex Carizma

    hey guys so would there be a way to export genopath patches to Microtonic ??

  • James Gregory

    It’s a different synth engine as far as I know, so doubt this would be possible. Maybe it’s something for the devs to consider in future Microtonic updates….perhaps they’re already working on a genopatch function for it now that Synplant has been updated 😁

  • Michael // MSLD

    Resurrecting this thread because Plugin Alliance has a new drum machine out that makes use of both sampling and synthesis for sound generation. Its GUI reminded me of some of the microTonic skins. I wouldn't say it's a direct competitor to microTonic, but its onboard sequencer and some other features make a compelling case. If I were the brothers Lidström, I might consider a roadmap modification.


  • AAV

    What I find interesting is none of their examples sound acoustic in anyway. Everything is glitchy, pseudo Industrial like anything I can easily achieve in Microtonic with Permut8 and/or Echobode. Not that I am not interested but I have so many drum vsti's that don't get enough use. They tend to be more one trick ponies (in my use of them) even though they are capable of more. I try to avoid the rabbit hole of Chasing Sounds at the expense of focussing on making something interesting musically but the more stuff I buy, the more I chase Sounds. Lol. Thanks for posting - looks neat and likely something that ends up under used in my toolbox eventually. Lol

  • Michael // MSLD

    I agree, it does sound a little like a reiteration of tools I already have. I have Logic Pro, and the stock Ultrabeat drum machine does the synth-and-samples thing well enough that I don't see any use for Battalion, but I might end up getting it on a whim when it's $29.

  • Manuel Senfft

    - AAV wrote:
    What I find interesting is none of their examples sound acoustic in anyway. Everything is glitchy, pseudo Industrial like anything I can easily achieve in Microtonic with Permut8 and/or Echobode. Not that I am not interested but I have so many drum vsti's that don't get enough use. They tend to be more one trick ponies (in my use of them) even though they are capable of more. I try to avoid the rabbit hole of Chasing Sounds at the expense of focussing on making something interesting musically but the more stuff I buy, the more I chase Sounds. Lol. Thanks for posting - looks neat and likely something that ends up under used in my toolbox eventually. Lol

    Wow. You summarize my experience of the recent time, haha. Totally agree and I can second this. (=

    Yet one thing which I recently bought after all (also immediately after it came out) is Visco, which I consider somehow something new, in my opinion. Also with this you can very quickly shape the sound without this long "searching for the right sound"-experience. Also it's not really intended to be something synthy, yet rather a sample-player, but with a twist and a great sound.

  • AAV

    That looks interesting too. Honestly a tool I get a lot of use out of is XLN 's XO which I love because it catalogues all of my drum and percussion sounds. Actually so similar in many ways to Magnus' Beatspace for Microtonic.A lot of people use Atlas for the same purpose. I don't know if (for me) it's reasonable to expect one tool that would or should do everything drums/percussion,/beat sequencing-wise. At least for me. Ive got a dozen or so drum plugs, and generally only use 4 religiously - Microtonic more than any of them.
    Anything I've picked up ine last couple of years generally gets binned fairly quickly.

  • NewLoops.com (Download Synplant 2 Pro Expansion Demo!)

    - Michael // MSLD wrote:
    Microtonic's architecture is strictly synthetic and there are no plans for adding sample playback. However, Magnus and Fredrik have considered adding audio resynthesis, similar to Synplant 2's Genopatch, to Microtonic. (That's how they made the Vintage Tonic kits for Microtonic.)
    They've talked about that possibility in the forum, stipulating that it is a potential path, not guaranteed. So, keep your eyes peeled.

    That would be awesome!

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