Hello, I absolutely love your synth. I own many and this is by far my favourite. I was just thinking what would be great is if you had a percussion option. This would simply be to give the option of making the randomised envelopes simply with a short attack and decay. I feel like this synth would lend itself so well to making abstract percussive sounds (which I already do) however when you extend the branches it almost always extends the envelope. If there was a percussive option that would be able to warp the sounds in the same way but whilst keeping the envelope the same that would be an amazing feature. Just a thought - keep doing what you are both doing as the synth is awesome 👍.
I generally like the idea to maybe look certain parameters in place before dragging the branches.
My humble wishlist, to add on top the idea:
My wantslist would be:
Proper preset browser.
Parameter lock.
A delay!
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