I cannot find any application after installing?

Fredrik Lidström42 476 views45 posts
  • Fredrik Lidström

    Our products are VST/AU plugins that requires either an AU compatible host (like Logic, Garageband) or a VST compatibile host (like Live, FL Studio, Cubase, Reaper) to load them into. There are no standalone applications, that is why you do not get any application icons when installing.

    If you do not own a VST/AU host, you can still load our product up with a free host such as VST Host for Windows or VST Lord for Mac.

    Update 2017-02-02: Microtonic for Mac is now available as standalone and you will find it in your Applications folder.
    Update 2023-10-04: Synplant 2 for Mac is available as standalone and you will find it in your Applications folder.

  • Griffin Avid

    Any idea where the DLL is kept/installed to on a windows 7 system? I'd like to point several hosts to that .dll for registration.

  • Paizt

    Hey There!

    I installed Synplant on my new macbook pro.

    normally LIVE will detect all VST automatically.

    It also did so with other VST-Plugins....NO PROBLEM AT ALL.

    But I can't find the Synplant VST anywhere.....there is a folder in live and all....but there isn't any content.

    Any clue what my mistake is?



  • Fredrik Lidström

    Hey, you need to run Live in 32-bit mode for Synplant to work. We are working on a 64-bit update, but we do not have a release date on it yet.

    Update 20140814: Synplant has been available in 64-bit for some months now, so no more reason to run Live in 32-bit mode.

  • Tankgirl

    hey :wacko: where do i find synplant in logic pro x?

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Tankgirl wrote:
    hey :wacko: where do i find synplant in logic pro x?

    I am no Logic expert, but this is how I launch plug-ins in Logic X...

    Instantiate Plugin in Logic X.png
  • Billy Kagaras

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    Our products are VST/AU plugins that requires either an AU compatible host (Logic, Garageband) or a VST compatibile host (Live, FL Studio, Cubase, Reaper) to load them into. There are no stand alone applications, that is why you do not get any application icons when installing.
    If you do not own a VST/AU host, you can still load our product up with a free host such as VST Lord for Mac or VST Host for Windows.

    I've downloaded VST Lord and gone through the instructions though it gets a little confusing. It tells me to open up a synth (which i don't know what that is) to be able to open the plugin. Any way you could guide me through getting it past VST Lord and into Protools ?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Hey, I do not use Protools myself so I have not tested any of these methods, but maybe someone else has any tips on VSTs in Protools?


    To load any of our plug-ins in VST Lord, you can find the VSTs installed on your system in the following folder.

    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Sonic Charge

  • Eydexlo

    How do you open Synplant? I have VSThost and I tried loading the .dll but nothing works

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Synplant should load in VSThost, I use it a lot myself for testing. Make sure you drop the correct DLL (32 / 64-bit) in the correct VSThost (32 / 64-bit). That's probably my only suggestion, hope it works. =)

  • Sarah Carmody

    For people installing on Mac and in Ableton, I had to do the following (I couldn't find any answers so hopefully this helps anyone who ends up here with the same problem):

    • Had to set my Library folder to read & write for EVERYONE. You'll know you've got it if it asks for your password during the install. Before, it would complete the installation but no folder was created.
    • Need to turn ON use VST system folders in Ableton settings or it won't be looking in that Library folder.

    Now everything is working great :)

  • Magnus Lidström

    Thanks for the info Sarah. I am surprised to hear that you had to lower the access rights on /Library to install!? The reason why the installer asks about a password is to temporarily elevate your user to administrator with full access rights ("root access") everywhere.

    Which OS X version was this? Do you know if your user account is an "Administrator" account or not?

  • Axel Erbstoesser

    is Permut8 supported with the AAX Format of Pro Tools 12?

  • Brandon McGarvey

    Hello Fredrik, I see your updated post that Microtonic now has a standalone for Mac. Will you have a standalone for Windows? I've got a TE PO-32 on the way and while it is of no issue for me to run Microtonic through Cubase, I would find a standalone edition convenient for just making new sounds to send to my PO-32.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Standalone windows app is something we've planned to take a look at.

    I personally run savihost a lot. You just rename the .exe file to Microtonic.exe and put it next to the DLL and it's like you have a standalone that is easy to fire up. It works pretty good except for keyboard input.

  • David J Kordsmeier

    Hello Fredrik ... new user here. I installed Sonic Charge Plugins 2017.02.02 (installer), and I am attempting to follow your advice on use of SaviHost for windows. If I understand correctly, I copy SaviHost.exe to my VSTPlugins under: C:\Program Files\VSTPlugIns\Sonic Charge , and rename it to Microtonic.exe, for example. I have tried this (using a 64bit version), and repeatedly get an "Error loading ..., please make sure you have renamed SaviHost.exe to the name of the plugin dll...". I'm a little frustrated because the explanation seems simple, but clearly I am missing something.

    Answer to own question: Don't use SaviHostMax, use SaviHost: savihostx64

  • Brandon McGarvey

    I got some error with Savihost, but I don't recall the exact message. Turned out that I needed to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 redistributable 64-bit. After installing that, it started fine and Microtnic loaded.

    - David J Kordsmeier wrote:
    Hello Fredrik ... new user here. I installed Sonic Charge Plugins 2017.02.02 (installer), and I am attempting to follow your advice on use of SaviHost for windows. If I understand correctly, I copy SaviHost.exe to my VSTPlugins under: C:\Program Files\VSTPlugIns\Sonic Charge , and rename it to Microtonic.exe, for example. I have tried this (using a 64bit version), and repeatedly get an "Error loading ..., please make sure you have renamed SaviHost.exe to the name of the plugin dll...". I'm a little frustrated because the explanation seems simple, but clearly I am missing something.
    Answer to own question: Don't use SaviHostMax, use SaviHost: savihostx64
  • Wudu Dionysia

    Cant find it in FL STUDIO

  • Ron Baalke

    Anyone know how to setup Logic Pro X to work with Synplant? I have no idea where the Synplant files reside, and I see no installation instructions.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    On Mac, the installer automatically puts the AU and VST files in the correct folder. Synplant should show up as a plug-in in your Logic X. Check the Plug-in manager, it should show up as "successfully validated".

    Screenshot 2017-10-21 11.06.49.png

    Instrument is then added to a track by clicking the Instrument drop-down menu and chosing AU Instruments -> Sonic Charge -> Synplant -> Stereo
    Screenshot 2017-10-21 11.17.12.png
  • chris alltag

    None of the DLL (msvcp100, msvcr100) open up in VSThost, nor any other DAW –
    what´s the problem there?
    ...was so curious about the microtonc, after I will buy on OP-32 Tonic...

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Ah, the msvc*.dll files are just support files for the Sonic Charge Authenticator application. During installation you get to choose an installation path for the application/documentation/patches and one for the plug-in. The Microtonic.dll file is in the plug-in path. If you do not know which path that was, just re-run the installer and check what it says.

  • chris alltag

    Ahh, got it!

    btw, great simplistic app, great interview on youtube (cuckoo, you) – great CV :P

  • Jazz Penetra

    can someone post a legitimate set of instructions to make this pop up on ableton live? I have vst turned on and all the folders appear but not a single plug in shows up.

  • Zypan Maps

    same here, Synplant installed, nothing showing up in Ableton's Plugin window or in the VST folder...

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Mac or Windows? On Mac, make sure you turn on "Use VST Plug-In System Folders". On Windows, double check what the Plug-ins installation path says in the installer and go there to verify that you can find the .dll files.

  • Nissanthen Thiruravichandran

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    Standalone windows app is something we've planned to take a look at.
    I personally run savihost a lot. You just rename the .exe file to Microtonic.exe and put it next to the DLL and it's like you have a standalone that is easy to fire up. It works pretty good except for keyboard input.

    Hi Fredrik, I tried to set up a standalone app following the steps you outlined. Once I start Microtonic.exe (renamed from SaviHost.exe), I see the following dialogue box.


    I can't seem to locate any VST files, what would be the next step? As I haven't seen anyone else run into this I believe that I am doing something completely wrong on my end so I apologise for the stupid question in advance.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    - Nissanthen Thiruravichandran wrote:
    Hi Fredrik, I tried to set up a standalone app following the steps you outlined. Once I start Microtonic.exe (renamed from SaviHost.exe), I see the following dialogue box.

    Ah, sorry. We have chosen to make all our plug-ins, both old and new, as VST 2 and not VST 3. Please download a VST 2 version of savihost and give it another go.

  • Nissanthen Thiruravichandran

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    - Nissanthen Thiruravichandran wrote:
    Hi Fredrik, I tried to set up a standalone app following the steps you outlined. Once I start Microtonic.exe (renamed from SaviHost.exe), I see the following dialogue box.
    Ah, sorry. We have chosen to make all our plug-ins, both old and new, as VST 2 and not VST 3. Please download a VST 2 version of savihost and give it another go.

    Thanks for the quick response! Will give it a go.

    EDIT - That worked! Thank you.

  • Philipp Kitterer

    Hi Fredrik,
    Just bought Microtonic - primarily to feed my PO-32 with better patches and patterns. But I thought it might come handy to use it as an instrument in GarageBand as well. However, when I look for available plug-ins, I only find Bitspeek, Echobude and Permut8. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places or it's simply not possible. Then I would need to know how to bring drum loops from MicroTonic into GarageBand.
    Thanks for your help!

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Bitspeek, Echobode, and Permut8 are handled as effects. Microtonic and Synplant are handled as instruments. They are used in different places, try looking for Plug-ins, Instrument and AU Instruments > Sonic Charge > Microtonic. Let me know if you can not find it and I'll try to grab a screenshot.

  • Philipp Kitterer

    Hej Fredrik,
    Thanks for your response! I found it yesterday myself and was a bit embarrassed.
    Nonetheless, thanks again.
    I am excited to dive into the almost endless possibilities of µ-tonic!

  • John Whati

    If you've installed cakewalk check there.... Cakewalk ..vstplugins... Soniccharge

  • Alex Cox

    Hiya. I can't seem to locate the AU/VST files for Bitspeek on my Mac. Naturally, it's not showing up in Logic either.

    Thanks for any pointers.

  • Fredrik Lidström

    On Mac, they always end up in the /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins folder. Did you try restarting your mac so that Logic can rescan the Audio Units?

  • Alex Cox

    I did, but only after reaching out to you on Twitter. Thanks. I got it working!

  • Clovis Lemée

    Hi ! I just installed Microtonic lattest version on my macbook pro, but after installing (and rebooting the computer), the vst files is nowhere to be find in my mac (I've been checking in my library, nothing neither). I cannot even uninstall it as it cannot be find...I really don't know what to do now.

  • Guillaume Robert

    Hello guys,

    I also have trouble to find my vst from my DAW. Actually is there a .dll file to put in in my plugin folder? In only find the following files in my SonicCharge folder :


    Best regards

  • Jorrit Maneschijn

    bey bey 100 euro, dont work if you never do something on a windows laptop. i am a newbee with onley hardware synth. never work on a laptop

  • Eduardo Carigno

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    Our products are VST/AU plugins that requires either an AU compatible host (like Logic, Garageband) or a VST compatibile host (like Live, FL Studio, Cubase, Reaper) to load them into. There are no standalone applications, that is why you do not get any application icons when installing.
    If you do not own a VST/AU host, you can still load our product up with a free host such as VST Host for Windows or VST Lord for Mac.
    Update 2017-02-02: Microtonic for Mac is now available as standalone and you will find it in your Applications folder.

    Hello, so, how do i load your free trial SonicCharge on the VSTHost?
    I don't find "plug-ins" neither in the VSThost nor in the SonicCharge-files on my pc.
    I also don't find a "trial mode" neither in the VSThost nor in the SonicCharge-files....

  • Maarten Van Cauwenberghe

    Hello, I can't find the plug in in my protools...
    Did I do something wrong?

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Hey Maarten,

    I'm sorry, but our plugins are not compatible with ProTools (without an adapter). ProTools does not support VST or AU, but only its proprietary format, AAX.

    If this means that you have no use for our plugins, don't hesitate to contact us with your order details, and we will refund your order.

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