Genopatch "evolve from current patch"

Jason Anderson150 views5 posts
  • Jason Anderson


    There are 4 different genopatch strands in a patch generation. If I use the evolve from current patch option (alt+click in Windows) and the patch solution circle is (for example) in strand 4 but I hold alt and click on strand 1's generation button instead... Is this still generating from the patch solution I have selected in strand 4? Thanks. I hope that was clear.


    Basically, I desire to evolve from strand 4's solution in ALL 4 strands. Am I still getting a patch generation from currently selected strand 4 solution patch IF I alt-click the other strands as well?

    Thanks for any clarity!

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Short answer: Yes

    Long answer:
    When using "Evolve from current patch", it is literally the currently loaded patch inside Synplant. In your case, this is the last solution circle you clicked on. But it doesn't have to be.

    You can load up a Synplant preset or start from something random, go into Genopatch, load a reference audio you want it to evolve towards, and then "plant" the current patch in all 4 strands and hear them grow.

    Notice here that Auto-preview is automatically turned off when you do this, because otherwise it would ruin your "current patch" as soon as it found the 1st solution.

  • Manuel Senfft

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    You can load up a Synplant preset or start from something random, go into Genopatch, load a reference audio you want it to evolve towards, and then "plant" the current patch in all 4 strands and hear them grow.

    Oh my, how freaking cool is that? I did somehow understand this GUI, but simply did not think about loading up another patch and "morph" it towards a sample. Thanks for this great tip!

  • Jason Anderson

    Thanks Fredrik. I've been at this all day and so gradually I was testing changing the patch genes just to see what happened (esp minimizing fx), and I suspected it was having an effect on the genopatch solutions but was unsure how. OK. The "Current Patch" used for generation is literally all reference that is currently available to the Genopatch engine, meaning whatever tweaks one has done inside the DNA (or whatever preset is loaded) plus the Reference audio. Nice to have this confirmed instead of wondering what might be happening. Appreciated!

  • Andy Music


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