Thank you for such a wonderful device! Could you please share information for developers about Synplant 2 scripts?
This might help a a little bit:
Sorry, we have no extensive documentation of Synplant 2 scripts available. But you can check out this thread about Microtonic Scripting, which might help a bit as it shares many of the underlying technologies.
Specifics for Synplant, you would have to take a stab at reverse engineering. On Mac, try "Show Package Content" on Synplant.vst, and head to the Resources folder.
- Fredrik Lidström wrote:
Sorry, we have no extensive documentation of Synplant 2 scripts available. But you can check out this thread about Microtonic Scripting, which might help a bit as it shares many of the underlying technologies.
Specifics for Synplant, you would have to take a stab at reverse engineering. On Mac, try "Show Package Content" on Synplant.vst, and head to the Resources folder.
Fredrik, thank you for sharing info! Could you please help me with one idea? I want to create script that interpolates between the current patch and a patch that is copied to the clipboard (interpolates by growing branches).
Is that even possible somehow?
Sorry, no. While you could make a script that interpolates and morphs the DNA parameters, that would only be working as you expect for the seed sound. The branches would still have random permutations. So at some point in your morph, you would have to switch the branch ID and it would most likely not give the result you were after.
Hi Fredrik - any possibility to utilise MIDI CC in the scripts? For example linking "New random seed" with MIDI CC 83?
No, sorry, that would require script code to run in the audio thread, and we have chosen to not support that in either Microtonic or Synplant 2 for technical reasons.
Thanks Fredrick!
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