Praise, myspace and Synplant Radio Sources

Magnus Lidström1 439 views1 post
  • Magnus Lidström

    Synplant and µTonic keeps popping up in interviews. Here are a couple of quotes from recent articles in Computer Music. Check out what long time Sonic Charge user Paul Hartnoll (of Orbital fame) has to say about Synplant:

    This is absolutely incredible. I did a film score recently with just analogue synths and Synplant. It has a different mindset and that's what you go to it for, plus it's got some amazing capabilities. There's the way that it's like a different sound on each note, which you can then spin while it changes the assignment of where the sound comes from. It's a really quirky but infinitely usable soft synth.

    In the preceding issue of Computer Music, Charlie May from Spooky (also known for his work with Sasha) said this:

    I also have Synplant by Sonic Charge he continues, on the subject of his other favorite synths. It's just fantastic - it's a totally different way of working, which is very organic. It's got to be Ulrich Schnauss' wet dream - all wonky long sounds that blend differently.

    In other news, we have uploaded a selection of the original Synplant Radio tracks in Ableton Live format. Download here and have fun.

    We have also set up a myspace page for Sonic Charge. Come by and say hi!

    / Magnus Lidström

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