This thing is still dope beyond belief. However... FEATURE REQUESTS

David Baker121 views1 post
  • David Baker

    1. MIDI mute toggle mode where mutes are toggled on and off by successive note-ons and note offs ignored instead of being turned off by note-offs.
    1. Recallable banks of the 16 program slots.
    1. "Learn Morph Values" feature--where you can take another preset's drum channel parameter values and define them as the far right morph values for the current preset.
    1. "Pattern Step Probability Morph" feature. This might need its own slider. Take the patterns of the current preset and another preset you choose, and define them as the opposite ends of the Pattern Morph Slider. Slider positions between the opposite extremes impose an inverse probability scale between the step values for the sequence from each preset--as follows:

    Far Left: All steps play the step values of the current preset with 100% probability.

    Slider at 25%: Each step has a 75% chance of playing the current preset step value and a 25% chance of playing the "morph" preset step value.

    Slider at 50%: Each step has a 50% chance of playing the current preset step value and a 50% chance of playing the "morph" preset step value.

    Slider at 75%: Each step has a 25% chance of playing the current preset step value and a 75% chance of playing the "morph" preset step value.

    Far Right: All steps play the step values of the "morph" preset with 100% probability.

    And scaled for all the values in between (I just chose 100%-0%, 75%-25%, 50%-50%, 25%-75%, 0%-100% to describe the idea).

    Or it could be between two patterns in the same preset, if that seems less confusing. If it's from two different presets, their pattern selectors could be could be linked so you'd always be morphing between "Current preset, pattern A" and "Morph preset, pattern A", or "Current H" and "Morph H", etc.

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