64bit versions of MicroTonic and Synplant

Samuel Lidström13 497 views42 posts
  • Samuel Lidström

    I'm running SonarX1 64 bit and I wonder if you'll update MicroTonic and Syntplant to 64 bit?

    I bought Bitspeek a few days ago and was going to buy MicroTonic and Syntplant too just now, until I discovered they're only 32 bit.

    So.. My questions are:

    • Will there be 64 bit versions of MicroTonic and Syntplant in the near future?
    • Can I still buy them now and be sure to get free updates to these new versions when they come?Cheers!


  • Fredrik Lidström

    Hey there,

    We will do our best to release a 64-bit MicroTonic as a free upgrade later this year.

    When it comes to Synplant it is unfortunately a different situation. Our plan is to make the new version 64-bit of course, but it is a bigger upgrade with added features. I cannot even guess a release date on it, and we do not know if it will be a free upgrade at this point.

  • Samuel Lidström

    that's great news! =)

    cuz I interprets this as:
    we'll do our best to release a 64bit version of microtonic this year and it will be free

    and not as:
    we'll release a 64bit version of microtonic this year and will do our best to make this update free

    did i understand this correctly? ;)

  • Fredrik Lidström

    You're right. The 64-bit upgrade of MicroTonic will be a free minor service upgrade.

  • Peter Dowsett

    This is great news. In the mean time, will the 32 bit version of microtonic work in Lion?

  • Chris Rose

    Good news! I look forward to the 64-bit version of MicroTonic.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - fractured wrote:
    This is great news. In the mean time, will the 32 bit version of microtonic work in Lion?

    Of course. All our products are 100% compatible with the current versions of OS X and Windows. Also, all existing hosts run fine in 32-bit. If you prefer running them in 64-bit, most of them have "bridges" that we have tested our products on.

  • johnjohnson

    Great news , I looked forward , the bridge is not top to work , likely that the next OX X Mountain will only 64 bit

  • Magnus Lidström

    - John wrote:
    Great news , I looked forward , the bridge is not top to work , likely that the next OX X Mountain will only 64 bit

    Yeah, the bridges aren't perfect, but I am glad they exist as 64-bit on Mac has been pain. Our next product, Permut8, will be 32/64 and with that I will have brought another big piece of my entire GUI library to Cocoa.

    I've briefly tried our products under Mountain Lion and they seem to work fine (but wait for an official report). The deal breaker here is actually not future OS X upgrades (I believe Apple will "always" support 32-bit processes), but whether future versions of Logic will be built for 64-bit only and whether they will continue supporting the bridge.

  • amp

    Any ETA for these two? I've been looking at the sonic charge website every morning since Bitspeek x64 came out over half a year ago and it seems like I've waited for a reeaally long time. I'm waiting for 64-bit to buy these into my live performance setup where I don't use any bridging, don't own the 32's...

    From trying out all the stuff I can say that Sonic Charge plugins are my most eagerly anticipated audio products, I wish the developer(s) would work more on sonic charge and less on everything else (xln audio, propellerheads, ?) because these are just so damn good!

  • Magnus Lidström

    - M-C-S wrote:
    Any ETA for these two?

    Can't be more specific than what we already said I am afraid. After the two current launches (Permut8 and Bitspeek for Reason), MicroTonic 64-bit will be priority and then back to Synplant 2.0 which has been too long in the making, I know. :)

    I've been looking at the sonic charge website every morning since Bitspeek x64 came out over half a year ago and it seems like I've waited for a reeaally long time.

    Sorry to keep you waiting. We are a minuscule operation, constantly working on two, three projects simultaneously and stuffing work down the pipe for probably a year or two ahead.

    I'm waiting for 64-bit to buy these into my live performance setup where I don't use any bridging, don't own the 32's...

    Out of curiosity, why do you need 64-bit for your live performance?

    I wish the developer(s) would work more on sonic charge and less on everything else (xln audio, propellerheads, ?) because these are just so damn good!

    Thanks! :) I used to work a lot for XLN and Propellerheads etc, but since about 5 years ago my focus is something like 95% on Sonic Charge.

  • AB459

    Magnus Lidström

    Synplant 2.0

    Very interesting, is there any information? At a minimum, whether it is free for users of the first version? )

  • johnjohnson

    I prefer this to take some time and that the operation be perfect , than having updates every month.

  • amp

    Thanks for the info, and glad to hear that 95% goes to Sonic Charge. I wish you will make a lot of money with these so maybe you can one day hire a helping hand!

    I use 64-bit stuff because I use a large amount of layered orchestral samples that take up a lot of memory. I don't use disk streaming technologies because they are unreliable, prone to pops/crackles and all kinds of shit (I've been burned) so I load up ALL samples fully into RAM which in my experience is much safer even if your computer starts acting weird.

  • amp

    - Ant9 wrote:
    Magnus Lidström
    Very interesting, is there any information? At a minimum, whether it is free for users of the first version? )

    I think this has been answered elsewhere, it will be a paid upgrade because there will be many new features.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - M-C-S wrote:
    I use 64-bit stuff because I use a large amount of layered orchestral samples that take up a lot of memory.

    Fair enough. That's what one needs 64-bit for after all. I wouldn't rely on streaming for live use either.

    - M-C-S wrote:
    I think this has been answered elsewhere, it will be a paid upgrade because there will be many new features.

    It might become a paid upgrade, but nothing has been decided yet. TBH we haven't even determined which features will be included.

  • AB459

    This is also not bad (Well, or a discount for users of the first versions). In any case, of course let it be the priority for the functionality.

  • NewLoops.com (Download Synplant 2 Pro Expansion Demo!)

    Please add automation of the parameters in synplant! The fliter needs to be automated! :(

  • Don Chesson

    Looking forward to 64 bit MicroTonic for Mac!!! Hopefully it won't be much longer... :)

  • Michael Schirmer

    Hello! Im new here and I'm very glad to hear that there will be a 64 bit Version of Micro tonic! I really need it in 64 Bit! :) I hope we get it very soon! :)

    You make great, good looking vsts, it is a pleasure to work (play) with them! :)

  • amp

    Yup, bought Permut8 and I'm happy I can say that I will from now on always own every native 64-bit plugin SonicCharge will have. So get uTonic (and Synplant) rolling so I can throw more money at you! :)

  • Lazylefteye

    - M-C-S wrote:
    Yup, bought Permut8 and I'm happy I can say that I will from now on always own every native 64-bit plugin SonicCharge will have. So get uTonic (and Synplant) rolling so I can throw more money at you! :)

    Yeah!!! Come on let's have that 64bit Microtonic.

  • Bhang

    Any news on the 64 bit version of Microtonic?

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Jeremy Sfx wrote:
    Any news on the 64 bit version of Microtonic?

    The only thing I've been working on for a month now. Forcing Cocoa on such an old application is pain. Progress has been slower than anticipated. I have forgot how much of the OS I used in MicroTonic. I am starting to regret I just didn't do it from scratch with our new framework instead. The one I used for Permut8.

    There is another thread on the subject: http://soniccharge.com/forum/index.php?/topic/149-eta-on-x64/

    Since I posted there last I've solved drag and drop, the about box, the oscilloscope and many minor things. Still a couple of obstacles to overcome, but I believe 100% functionality should be ported before the end of this month.

  • Lazylefteye

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    The only thing I've been working on for a month now. Forcing Cocoa on such an old application is pain. Progress has been slower than anticipated. I have forgot how much of the OS I used in MicroTonic. I am starting to regret I just didn't do it from scratch with our new framework instead. The one I used for Permut8.
    There is another thread on the subject: http://soniccharge.com/forum/index.php?/topic/149-eta-on-x64/
    Since I posted there last I've solved drag and drop, the about box, the oscilloscope and many minor things. Still a couple of obstacles to overcome, but I believe 100% functionality should be ported before the end of this month.

    Great news,keep up the good work guys.I'm sure it'll all come good in the end.

  • johnjohnson

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    The only thing I've been working on for a month now. Forcing Cocoa on such an old application is pain. Progress has been slower than anticipated. I have forgot how much of the OS I used in MicroTonic. I am starting to regret I just didn't do it from scratch with our new framework instead. The one I used for Permut8.
    There is another thread on the subject: http://soniccharge.com/forum/index.php?/topic/149-eta-on-x64/
    Since I posted there last I've solved drag and drop, the about box, the oscilloscope and many minor things. Still a couple of obstacles to overcome, but I believe 100% functionality should be ported before the end of this month.

    Good news, I looked forward to the 64 bit version :-)

  • Remote Vision

    Is uTonic 64bit still looking likely before the end of the year (hopes!)???

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Don Tyler wrote:
    Is uTonic 64bit still looking likely before the end of the year (hopes!)???

    In beta form yes. Not final release unfortunately. Making final updates to manual and installers today so if you are registered on our beta forum be prepared for an email as soon as we have made some brief Q&A testing.

  • johnjohnson

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    In beta form yes. Not final release unfortunately. Making final updates to manual and installers today so if you are registered on our beta forum be prepared for an email as soon as we have made some brief Q&A testing.

    How do I register for the beta? I'd love to participate...

  • Don Chesson

    Any updated time frame? Thanks :)

  • Greg Webster

    - Magnus Lidström wrote:
    In beta form yes. Not final release unfortunately. Making final updates to manual and installers today so if you are registered on our beta forum be prepared for an email as soon as we have made some brief Q&A testing.

    More than 3 months since you made this post.
    Are we any nearer to a 64 bit release?

  • Neil Mitchell-Goodson

    - Greg Webster wrote:
    More than 3 months since you made this post.
    Are we any nearer to a 64 bit release?

    According to this thread from a week ago, 3.1 (which brings 64 bit compatibility) is close to release.



  • amp

    I've checked the website almost daily for over 6 months thinking uTonic 64-bit is "close to release" :)

  • RRKS

    Magnus, I truly miss using microT and Synplant because I am completely 64 bit now...please, PLEASE...any ETA?...I've signed up for the beta twice with no response.

  • reddog

    It's great to finally have a 64 bit version of MicroTonic. Just one little problem that I've encountered.

    When I reopen a project that contains MicroTonic (I'm using Logic Pro 9.1.8), MicroTonic produces no sound, either when I play my MIDI keyboard or from any of the MIDI notes recorded inside any of its regions which have been saved within the Logic project.

    I have to reload the preset to get any sound out of MicroTonic. Not a major issue, but annoying nonetheless.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Michael Russo wrote:
    Michael Russo, on 19 May 2013 - 04:48 AM, said:
    When I reopen a project that contains MicroTonic (I'm using Logic Pro 9.1.8), MicroTonic produces no sound, either when I play my MIDI keyboard or from any of the MIDI notes recorded inside any of its regions which have been saved within the Logic project.
    I have to reload the preset to get any sound out of MicroTonic. Not a major issue, but annoying nonetheless.

    Sounds like a major issue to me. We have tested backwards compatibility pretty thoroughly, so I am not sure why this is happening to you. I just tried upgrading from Microtonic 3.0.1 to 3.1 once again to be sure and everything played back correctly in Logic 9.1.8 (32-bit).

    Do you know exactly which version of Microtonic you used before, and did you run it in 32-bit or bridged in 64-bit?

  • reddog

    I previously used MicroTonic 3.0.1 running 32-bit.

    My OS is OSX 10.6.8 if that's of any help to you.

    Also the project that I mentioned above is a new one using MicroTonic 3.1, not an old project whereI had previously used 3.0.1.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Michael Russo wrote:
    Michael Russo, on 20 May 2013 - 06:28 AM, said:
    I previously used MicroTonic 3.0.1 running 32-bit.
    My OS is OSX 10.6.8 if that's of any help to you.
    Also the project that I mentioned above is a new one using MicroTonic 3.1, not an old project whereI had previously used 3.0.1.

    Sorry, I assumed that it had to do with backwards compatibility, cause to be honest, that's the only problem scenario I were expecting. Logic compatibility has been tested for literally hundreds of hours (33.41 exactly under 10.6.8, we have very exact statistics for our betas :) ).

    Would it be possible for you to upload song file to us containing Microtonic (one that doesn't reopen correctly) so that we can have a check? (Either attach here or email us using http://http://soniccharge.com/email and we will get back to you with an email you can send attachments to.)

  • reddog

    Hi Magnus,

    I've attached the Logic project with MicroTonic 3.1. I've removed a couple of Arturia instruments (you need the dongle for them to work).

    Just one other thing, when I play MicroTonic with my MIDI keyboard controller, the lights above each note light up as normal, so MicroTonic is receiving MIDI data, just no sound until I reload the preset.

  • Magnus Lidström

    Checked the project. The master volume of the Microtonic that popped up was at 0. I turned it up and got sound, saved and reloaded the project and still got sound. I saw that there was active MIDI CC mapping. Volume was mapped to CC #3. Could it be that there are some MIDI signals going around in your system that resets the volume to 0. Not sure exactly how that could happen, but I noticed that there was quite a lot of external MIDI devices hooked up in the project.

  • reddog

    It's amazing I never even thought of looking at MicroTonic's master volume.

    Yes, volume is mapped to CC3. I do have quite a few external devices which are hooked up within the Audio MIDI Setup utility, but I rarely use those these days. Logic does look to see if they are there when it opens. I'm not sure how they might be involved in resetting MicroTonic's master volume to 0.

    At least a solution is very simple—to write in an appropriate CC3 value for MicroTonic's master volume at the beginning of the song.

    Thanks for your help Magnus.

  • Magnus Lidström

    - Michael Russo wrote:
    Thanks for your help Magnus.

    No problem. Let me know if you figure out what is causing the reset to zero volume.

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