It will work if I'm signed out. But opening it with my account signed in just prompts a red text saying "Error loading playlist, try reloading". I've tried every main browser too, Firefox, Edge, Opera. The error still shows up.
Has anyone else had this issue? It's a pretty minor one given I can still access it. But down the road I'd probably miss being able to save patterns and access the ones I've already saved.
Weird. I cannot figure out what's wrong. Was this a temporary problem or do you still have it?
Try clearing both cookies and local storage for Then bring up "inspect" in your browser so that you can see console messages. Reload the Patternarium page and look for any error in the console. Also, do the same while looking at the network tab. The row you're looking for is the one that starts with "list?id=...". See if there is an error loading that and you can also check the response. It should be a list of all tracks for generation 27.
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