Vintage Tonic

Magnus Lidström14 398 views111 posts
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  • Magnus Lidström

    Happy holidays synth friends!

    During the past few years I have been experimenting with machine learning algorithms that search for parameter settings to imitate any sound with any synth. Today I am happy to reveal the first fruit of this labor: Vintage Tonic.

    Vintage Tonic is a patch package for Microtonic created from recordings of the following classic drum machines:

    • Maestro Rhythm King (1960)
    • Keio / Korg Minipops 7 (1966)
    • Roland CR-78 CompuRhythm (1978)
    • Korg KR-55 (1979)
    • Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer (1980)
    • Oberheim DMX (1981)
    • Linn Drum (1982)
    • Roland TR-909 Rhythm Composer (1984)
    • Roland TR-707 Rhythm Composer (1984)
    • Roland TR-505 Rhythm Composer (1986)

    Notice that the collection includes both analog and digital drum machines. Naturally, the digital drum machines are much harder to reproduce using Microtonic's synthesizer engine, but even imperfect results are fun, and I find the sounds quite useful.

    The older drum machines were mainly preset pattern players. I have painstakingly tried to reproduce not only their sounds but also all of their original patterns.

    I hope you will find this collection useful. I believe it shows a new side of Microtonic, and it amazes even me how versatile this old plugin still is.

    Have a listen for yourselves:

    YouTube Video

    Download the package from our download page:

    Also, check out the skin that Fredrik made to celebrate this release:

    Best wishes for the remainder of 2020 and let us hope that 2021 will be a better one.

    / Magnus Lidström

  • Benjamin Tucker

    What a wonderful surprise gift! Many thanks, Soniccharge, for this update to a real classic.

    Season’s greetings.

  • Dave

    these are fantastic


  • illformed

    This is absolutely bonkers, Magnus :)

  • Jon Curtis / PDN

    This. Is. Incredible. :)

    The best Boss DR-55 emulation I've ever made is with MicroTonic. I've done passable interpretations of The KR/KPR's and some Neo-X0X stuff, but this is just magnificent.

    Thanks so much for this wonderful gift!

  • e@rs

    Sweet! Thank you very much, Magnus and Fredrik!

  • Solidtrax

    Whowzers, amazing stuff man! I was checking this forum for news at the usual places: nothing. And now this very amazing and interesting technique and update! Whowzers!

    Happy holidays Magnus, Fredrik and family!

  • Steve Lampert

    Cool! Thank you and happy holidays!

  • Manuel Senfft

    I absolutely do not regret the purchase some days ago, wow. Thank you so much! <3

    And all the best to you people here and at Sonic Charge! (=

  • Tom Mosler

    Wow. Thank you! Happy holidays!

  • Nils-Erik Johansson

    Sonic Charge = Magic People, Voodoo People! 😍

  • AB459

    Thanks !
    But how to have such pictures in mtonic browser ??

  • Simon Field

    I own all your other plugins, is there a chance i could get a Christmas discount for Microtonic please?

  • wileryd

    ”Game changer” is a term often overused, but in this particular case I can’t pick a better word. This is indeed a game changer.

    Hatten av!

  • Arte Fiorente Resistente

    Really wondefrul !!!! Thank you and best wishes for all

  • Christophe Le Padellec

    You rock as always, cheers.

  • Akod

    Aw... Very appreciated! As thoughtful a gift as masterful a feat! Thank you! Happy holidays and best wishes!

  • Frank Neumann

    Awesome, i have never thought that is possible...

    Because I'm also a sound designer, I would be personally interested in what you found out with the various settings and algorthym.


  • AbstractCats George

    Amazing skin! Merry Christmas!

  • bleen

    WUT??!?!? Thanks, you two!

  • Jean-Pierre Mercier

    Those are fantastic! Thank you so much and Merry Christmas to you too Magnus!

  • thorsten puttenat

    Magnus, I stumbled across this in your posting:

    „I believe it shows a new side of Microtonic, and it amazes even me how versatile this old plugin still is.“

    Exactly this! Right now I am producing an album with a classical trained georgian singer and pianoplayer. My job is to bring the modern side of music into hers. ALL the beats are made with the good old Microtonic. In fact, it´s not old at all. It is a topmodern tool with a superb and timeless quality of sound. Thanks so much for this.

  • gary westwood

    Thank you, this is awesome. :)

  • Darker

    Beste ever Xmas gift! Thanks and merry Christmas, Magnus!

    Jeps Salfischberger
    The Netherlands

  • Kc Taylor

    Fantastic !!! Thank U

  • jesuspark

    Thank you, guys,
    Happy Holidays and much love to you and your families!

  • jeff

    Thank you so, so much. Merry Christmas!

  • Nikita Melomake

    Thanks for the gift! Nice sounds.

  • timbralzoom

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays!

    Thank you so much!

  • domenico nonni

    ohhhh it's wonderful!!!!! i love you

  • grymmjack

    Fantastic! You guys are so innovative. Happy holidays! Thanks for your generosity!

  • paradiddle

    Awesome! Thank you!

  • rsm

    Thank you. Fantastic stuff! Merry Christmas

  • Jean-Pierre Mercier

    After playing around with them I find myself wanting more !!!! Damn you LOL.
    EH DRM16 or 32, KPR-77, TR-606. When I see how close you came for some of them, I would love to see if you can get as close with these. But hey, I don't mean that to sound ungrateful, it's the absolute opposite. They're so fun and matched with the great new skin it feel new! I feel it deserve an additional THANK YOU!

  • Aesthete

    What a excellent surprise! You guys rock! Cheers from Iceland.

    One Question: Are we free to change patterns but keep the new kits sounds ?

  • Remote Vision

    That's pretty astounding happy holidays, all!

  • Motion

    Just when you think where might Microtonic possibly go next (not that it needs to) and boom to the left field, just brilliant!, thank you Magnus and Fredrik for the ongoing developments and hard work raising the bar yet again on this wonderful drum machine, a classic in itself. Microtonic can bend like Beckham. Top kick!

  • Jon Poteet

    Yes, thank you very much for this special gift! Happy holidays to you and your family!

  • Bichuelo Audiotecna

    This is fantastic! Thank you <3

  • marc davidson

    Many thanks! Merry Blipmas! <3

  • Meffy Ellis

    This is an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Thank you, Merry Christmas, Good Yule, and assorted other felicitations.

  • Richard Somerville

    Thanks for these chaps.Very accurate programming.Merry Christmas.

  • Georg Carlson

    Thanks for a lovely gift!

  • David Boura

    What an a-ma-zing surprise, i wonder wich machine you emulate next!
    CR-78 and TR-606 maybe? :)

  • Emile

    having some trouble - when loading one of the presets my drum patch doesn't change. the preview feature in Finder doesn't seem to be working for these kits either on my computer. anyone have any ideas? i can load up the drum sound patches but not the entire kit all at once, it seems

  • Raul Lopez


  • Simon Leo

    your x-mas presents are always surprising and top notch!
    many thanks Magnus & Fredrik!

  • martin jones

    Amazing, love both the sounds and the skin. Brilliant!

    Merry Xmas and thank.

    1 question - as someone badly Red/Green colourblind - is there any way to change the colour of the LED's on the new skin to something other than Red? (Blue or Yellow e.g).
    They're just a bit tough for me to see.

    Not the end of the world, still a lovely skin, but would be nice if simple to change.

    Thanks again!

  • Antonio Grazioli

    Very Cool! Thanks

  • Marco Raaphorst

    This machine learning thing is very intriguing. Love these new sounds. Thanks for the gift!

  • joe hahn

    perfect timing! I was just about to attempt to make a few kits like this on my own so I could start with something more traditional for re-sequencing classic breaks. Thanks!

  • Felix Carcone

    Thanks guys, we love add. firmwares !!!

  • Roy Perez

    Thank you! it sounds brilliant like all of your plugins!

  • Sjoerd van Geffen

    Magnus opus! It amazes even me how versatile this old developer still is. Who cares about global lockdowns when we get gifts like this!

    Love, good health, and inspiration to everyone! <3 <3 <3

  • Sotiris Gougousis

    Thank you so much, such a wonderful gift! I have tons of fun with this.
    After all these years, Microtonic is still my No1 "go to" drum machine ever!
    And this comes from someone who owned and (ab)used a lot of drum machines through the decades ...
    Happy New Year to you and to all! Thank you.

  • bassmatiker

    THANK YOU and greetings to all at Sonic Charge.
    This drum machine app never gets boring, and here is an amazing addition to the sound palette already existing for µtonic. Wow.
    I would love to read more details how this machine learning thing was created and used for recreating the sounds.
    Finally I can have a mini takeaway 808, 909 etc. in my TE PO-32 Tonic...

  • Rob Joyner

    Thank you!

  • B ambrose

    Thank you. Really made my Xmas believe it or not :)
    I love the sound of the KR55.. and that's bloody close *and tweakable :)

  • tonalaxis

    I absolutely love this Magnus!! thank you so much, I still haven't got round to getting a PO-32tonic as I've been leaning towards Eurorack lately.
    Any chance users will have the ability to analyse their own samples to import sounds into uTonic in the future??

  • Cory Hill

    Thank U!!

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