I just purchased Microtonic but am unable to authenticate.
I've tried repeatedly over the past two days, have rebooted, and checked my network for any issues. This seems to be a server issue on the sonic charge side of things.
I get the following error from the Sonic Charge Authenticator application in macOS 10.15.6:
Authorization server returned invalid data: Invalid Numbstrict in server response at line 2 column 18 (offset 19)
Close this window to quit or click Retry to restart the procedure.
If you prefer to register the product without an online connection, please check the product documentation for instructions.
Any help would be appreciated!
i have also experienced this today trying to install microtonic on a new laptop.
Sorry guys, it looks like I broke this yesterday when I updated our script engine. It should be fixed now.
Thank you Fredrik! Works perfectly now!
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