
TTOZ189 views2 posts
  • TTOZ

    Hi there, I am selling my macbook pro of 4 years, tomorrow actually (to my sister so if there's any problem I can theoretically still get access), I have been slow and she really needs it.. So i did one last pass to make sure everything was deactivated, and i noticed my sonic charge plugins. I launched the activator which gives me no option i can see to deactivate, nor is there anything really in the FAQ..

    I presume it's OK then to just format the computer now (have to do that, can't wait as I said she needs it desperately) and install them on my new laptop? I also have an imac i'd like to install them on, both mine, same house, not used simultaneously.. it's one or the other.


  • Magnus Lidström

    Yes, just format the computer. Our product uninstallers will also remove the activation data from the computer in question (if you do not wish to format it).

    We do keep track of the number of activations performed via Authenticator (but not if you register the plugins manually/offline). However, you are allowed to install on as many machines as you require. We never prohibit an activation (unless a serial is blacklisted because of abuse).

    We only track the number of installations for statistics and to find outliers and abuse (e.g. hundreds of installations with the same serialnumber).

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