New Mysterious Product Sighted

Magnus Lidström1 975 views1 post
  • Magnus Lidström

    We are getting closer to releasing our new mysterious product from captivity and we now need some help with taming it. In other words: it is time for beta and we are accepting applicants for the beta test from today onwards. We have some conditions that must be met before applying as a tester, namely:

    • You need an internet connection on your studio computer. (The beta version does not function if there is no internet connection available.)
    • You can not be affiliated with any established music magazine or news website / blog. (Please contact us personally instead and we will put you on our press-release list for an early preview of the product.)
    • No product images, audio snippets or other information can be leaked to people who are not active beta testers.Sign up as a beta tester on this forum - ...

    Once you are registered you need to validate your e-mail address. You will then be placed in a validation queue. If (and only if) you are accepted as a beta tester you will get an e-mail telling you that your account has been activated. You can then logon to the forum and get access to installation files and guides.

    We will only accept a limited amount of beta testers. Filling out the information about yourself, your beta testing experience and what kind of system your are running increases your chances of being accepted as one of the beta testers.

    Thanks in advance. Hope to see you soon on our beta forum.

    Magnus, Fredrik, Majken and Tore

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