Micro-tonic ..some suggestions + real life example ( reakotr ensemble)

gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider321 views3 posts
  • gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider

    I love microtonic so much that many moons ago I made a reaktor ensemble wih some added features .
    I think microtonic would benefit from these and it's functionality would increase tenfold

    • A partial oscillator ( 10 partials is enough ) with the option to detune the partials (pow function ) , perfect for acoustic drum head sounds ( you can hear them in action in the soundfile example in the link , the first sweeping sound are the partials in action )
    • A +/-comb filter in the noise section with a gentle lp filter in the feedback loop for damping ...perfect for plucky sounds
    • An sine shaper based distortion module ( the algoritm can be found in the freeware vst effect func shaper by Robin Schmidt ..the algo is called freestyle curve

    This is the reaktor core implementation


    This is by no means an excuse to gather interest in my reaktor ensemble , but for those who have reaktor you can check it out to see what these added features behave like


    Thanks , and keep up the good work , microtonic is amazing

  • gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider

    Strange why this doesn't get more replies
    to replicate the 808 bassdrum , it's essentrial to get a few overtones , the dist module isn't really suited for that .
    Just a few of extra partials would be great

  • Christof Lehanka

    Very nice work @gentleclockdivider gentleclockdivider !:)
    I will check it out :)

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