Hi Frederik,
I have a question about remote mapping Microtonic in Reason 10
I use Microtonic a lot and a bought a new Midicontroller for my laptop (Novation Launchkey mini MK3) and also i made a nice remote map file for Reason. The only thing is that i would like to map
the Patterns A-B-C-E from Microtonic to the drum maps from the Launchkey by a custom remote file.
When i export the remote file info from Microtonic i found this value:
Pattern 0 4194304 Value ValueOutput
Is there a way to use this in the remote file for reason like this?
Scope Sonic Charge vst.NuMT.Microtonic
// Control Surface Item Key Remotable Item
Map Pad 1[TAB]Pattern 1
Map Pad 2[TAB]Pattern 2
Map Pad 3[TAB]Pattern 3
or do i need use other values? Do you have some tips please?
Best regards, Jose from the Netherlands...
simply change the file in remote maps folder, and use the automap program inside reason.
Novation Automap Control.remotemap(911kB, 773 downloads)
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