I've been sampling uTonic lately and created a few NI Maschine kits. Some of the samples are my own design but mostly it's slightly tweaked factory preset kicks, snares and effects with some tube coloring and compression added.
I was thinking of sharing these Maschine kits for free online but I'm wondering if it's ok?
Hi and thank you for your question.
As you maybe understood, you are free to do whatever you want with any material that you create yourself with our products. When it comes to using factory presets or if you based your presets on the factory presets, you would first have to get our permission.
Getting our permission is usually not a problem. We will need to know which presets you have used as well as getting access to listen to your samples. Normally the process will not raise any problems, but it is needed to make sure that our factory presets are not bluntly sampled and released.
For your specific case, please contact us through the contact form on the support page.
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