Synplant MIDI Program Change seems random

Patrick Baker209 views2 posts
  • Patrick Baker


    I'm trying to get the MIDI program change working in Live 10.1 using either the AU or VST version of Synplant. The patch changes but I can't figure out the ordering that Synplant uses. For instance I have two user patches saved, but if I select Bank 1 / Sub 1 / Patch 2 then Synplant chooses an SC factory preset. If I open the factory list of presets and try this it also picks the same preset even the AZ presets should come first.

    UPDATE: This same behavior is happening with Microtonic as well.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • be.sonore

    bonjour je rencontre le meme probleme actuellement!!!!!pourtant je l ai deja fait et la j ai tout essayé rien ne marche je ne comprend pas non plus programme d usine aussi sont selectionné

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