Hi people, I haven't used this vst for years and want to sell it. Price is $75 in Canadian dollars or equivalent.
hey! I'm interested in :). How to proceed?
Good day....I am Trying to find out how to transfer the license now and will get bask to you as soon as I do. I guess we should exchange email addresses but I don;t exactly want to post mine on a public forum.
Hey! I do not want to post my main e-mail here, but I have other one for this purpouses. Please write me a message to spam.teufel@gmail.com. I will reply from it and from my main account. Is it ok for you?
Hey! I received the message. Is that you MOBIZOID? Please reply here to make sure it's you, not someone who read our messages :) - it's just for precaution :)
Hey Man...it is me....I just wrote you back.
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