The current play position indication/light in Microtonic (the blue light on the channel button when a sound is played too) stopped working in Reaper. Issue persists after reinstalling (updating) Microtonic. Does anybody know anything about that?
Any help is appreciated.
Ouch, does everything play ok? Is it just the GUI that does not update?
Mac or Windows?
Reaper version?
Yes everything plays fine. Very annoying though and very misleading since the lights (didn't mention before) appear in different positions than the actual ones. After a couple of seconds though they disappear completely. After stopping playback in Reaper lights on the patterns start to blink as if the loop is still playing for a couple of seconds too. Tried to find out whether it is related to Reaper's loop settings region etc but did not get any clue. Reaper's latest version 5.961 on Windows 7. Gonna check it on a Mac Air soon. Hope we can do something about this soon since Microtonic, PO and a Nord Lead are the only things i am using.
Thanks for your efforts and feedback.
hi Fredrik, have you been able to reproduce the problem?Do we have any improvements?
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