Echobode factory presets

james reynolds536 views7 posts
  • james reynolds


    I've inadvertently deleted the factory presets whilst creating one of my own. How do I get them back?



  • Magnus Lidström

    A simple reinstallation should be sufficient. But I am curious, how exactly did you lose all your factory presets by accident? It shouldn't be that easy I think.

  • james reynolds

    Thanks, but I can only find a complete package from them to instal as opposed to just Echobode so I'm reluctant to instal that as I don't want to over write existing programs. Not sure how it happened, all I did was create and save a patch.

    Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 11.05.15.png
  • Magnus Lidström

    Just to make sure the presets are really gone could you please choose "Go to Folder..." from the "Go" menu in Finder, enter
    /Library/Audio/Presets/Sonic Charge/Echobode Patches/All
    (like in the picture below)

    Click "Go" and you should now see a folder called "All". What do you see there?

  • james reynolds

    Cool, yes have that, not sure what next.. do I copy and paste the preset's into a new folder and put it back into the sonic charge

    Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 12.30.54.png

    preset's folder?
  • Magnus Lidström

    Aha. Looks like they are all there after all. Perhaps you've only ended up in a different folder in the plug-in browser. Bring up the file browser inside Echobode, like this:

    Then try clicking the Options button (if necessary) and then "Go To Factory Patches".

  • james reynolds

    Yes they were and thanks for your help, oddly though it seem's to have re-located the directory path and is now fine on loading up. Certainly useful to know for future reference.

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