
jonetsu1 132 views10 posts
  • jonetsu


    Just to let you know that Microtonic, Synplant and Echobode are running just fine in Bitwig under Linux Mint 18 KDE. Using linVST and wine-staging. Moreover, the copy/paste from the Patternarium works just fine. Haven't tried yet the Microtonic multi outputs. If you have any question on setting up, just ask.


  • Magnus Lidström

    Awesome! Good to know. I had no idea that this worked. Is it easy to setup?

  • jonetsu

    It's actually quite easy. I read here and there people on the subject describing all kinds of problems and deep configuration issues. So I waited a fair bit of time before trying it out as I don't like fiddling around so much ... except if it's when making music.

    I'm using Linux Mint 18 with a low-latency kernel that's part of the distro, just a click away. I have setup jackd to manage connections for Bitwig and Harrison Mixbus32C. That's basic stiuff, not part of this here. Just mentioning it.

    I first installed the latest version of the Windows emulation package wine-stable, by following their easy instructions. This is wine-staging and NOT the wine (outdated) that comes with the distro. Then I got linVST from git, the Steinberg VST SDK, and compiled that. That's it.

    The simplicity of this is that for each 64-bit dll, there must be a copy of a file renamed after the dll, All of that in the plugin directory. Bitwig will then look for the .so file, load it, and in turn that .so file will load the dll file of the same name. Simple. Not perfect, but simple and it works. For instance, the SonicCharge plugin folder contains:

    Microtonic Multi.dll

    For each dll there's a linvst process. Not much on the CPU. The downside though, is that the plugins cannot exchange data between themselves since each one is encapsulated. Which does not matter for the SonicCharge plugins and many other plugins.

    In Linux I use natively all u-he synths and plugins, Biotek, Discovery Pro, pianoteq, Waverazor, Monique, OvertoneDSP plugins and recently, the Voxengo plugins by meand of linVST.

    BTW, congratulations for making such creative devices as Synplant, Microtonic and Echobode.

    Here's a sample of what I did so far:

    collage-1 by nominal6


  • st3rk

    Wow, thanks jonetsu, it works perfectly on my debian laptop. I can finally get rid off my crappy hackintosh.

  • Jonathan Pilate

    I'm on Fedora Bluefin, where you can only install Flatpak applications or Homebrew, or do complicated stuff I don't understand. So I can only use Carla, not LinVST or Yabridge.
    I used Bottles to unpack the download and moved the microtonic dlls to a DLL-folder I made.
    Carla says it cannot open the plugins. I tried duplicating the dll-files and renaming them with .so extension. That doesn't work.
    Any hints on how to fix this?
    (I used mac before and paid for Microtonic. I could still use it on that macbook, but would prefer it on my main computer)

  • Jonathan Pilate

    I fixed it by using Yabridge (with BoxBuddy - Fedora 41) and this guide:

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