@Fredrik I have the following problem, I bought the PO32 for Xmas and understood now that microtonic programm is needed for using all features. Would be pleased if there could be a discount for me similar to the also existing bundle price which I was not aware upfront. Thanks a lot Sven. And Marry Xmas greetings from Munic.
Hey Sven, yes, you can get a 20% discount on Microtonic. It should be almost the same as the bundle would have cost you. Read the following post for more information.
Hello Frederik, thanks a lot for your quick answer. the Bundle Price is 139€ means 39€ on top of the single PO32 Hardware. With the 20% Discount its still 80€ which is double the bundle price for the software or do I get something wrong?
Where did you find a Tonic + Microtonic bundle for € 139 ?
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